Chapter 5

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July 2020

Chandler walked through her apartment door after a long day of job hunting. She groaned as she flopped down on the couch. It had been a month and she still had no job. Every job she thinks she's perfect for never calls her back. Chandler closed her eyes as she heard the door open. "Didn't go well today?"

"I don't want to talk about it," she mumbled, "Who would have thought finding a job would be this hard!"

"You seriously haven't heard back from anyone?" Katie asked.

"Not a single one," Chandler said sitting up on the couch, "I've gone in and called so many places. No one will return my calls."

"I'm sorry babe," Katie said as she walked over to the couch. Chandler pulled her knees into her chest and started to cry. "Hey, hey. You'll find something."

"Will I?" Chandler asked, "I'm a 22-year-old woman who's worked the same job for 3 years. That job fired me. I have a degree that I'm not even using. My parents don't even speak to me. I have nothing."

"Hey!" Katie said, "Why are you saying all of this? You are the most hardworking person I know! Who cares what your parents think? And who gives a fuck what these jobs think? None of them know the truly amazing person you are."

"Thanks," Chandler said wiping her tears away, "I don't know why I'm being so emotional about this. I guess this month has just been hard."

"I know it has," Katie said pulling Chandler into her side, "But seriously. You are the best person I know."

"You're the best person I know too," Chandler said, "Also, is that job at your salon still open?"

"For you, of course," Katie said.

"I think I'm gonna take you up on your offer," Chandler said.

"You sure?" Katie asked.

"Yeah," Chandler said, "I've been looking for a month and haven't found anything...kind of my only option. I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that..."

"No, I get it," Katie laughed, "Your dream job isn't being a receptionist at a hair salon. I can't fault you for that."

"I'm really tired" Chandler yawned.

"Why don't you take a nap," Katie said, "I'll wake you up for dinner later."

"Probably a good idea," Chandler said. She lay on the couch as Katie covered her with a blanket. As soon as her eyes closed she immediately fell asleep. Job hunting had really worn her out.


A bright light disrupted her sleep. A door opening in the background caught her attention. Katie must be finishing up dinner. Chandler sat up as she stretched her body. "Ugh remind me to never take a nap on this couch. I'm not getting any younger."

"Good morning sleepyhead," Katie said walking into the living room with a cup of coffee in her hand, "I got you some coffee from our favorite shop!"

"Morning?" Chandler asked, "You let me sleep all night!"

"You looked tired," Katie said, "Sue me for trying to be a good friend."

"Well thanks," Chandler yawned, "I guess I needed it."

"I also bought you these," Katie said pulling a box of tampons out of a bag.

"Tampons?" Chandler asked.

"Yeah you were so emotional last night I figured you were getting ready to start your period," Katie said sipping from her cup, "Either that or you're pregnant."

"Yeah right," Chandler laughed, "I'm pretty sure I'd know if I missed my period. It's only July 12th." Katie looked over at his friend with a questioning look.

"Today is the 31st," Katie said.

"Haha, Katie," Chandler laughed, "You truly are hilarious."

"Chandler I'm being serious," Katie said, "Today is the 31st." Chandler felt her heart drop. As soon as she saw the look on Katie's face she knew she wasn't lying.

"You mean I'm over two weeks late?" Chandler asked.

"I have a pregnancy test for emergencies under the counter in the bathroom," Katie said. Chandler basically threw her coffee cup on the table in front of her. She ran to the bathroom pulling open the cabinet. When she found the test she ripped the package open. "Chandler. Are you sure you're that late?"

"Yes. My period is always on time," she said.

"Well maybe it's just late because you're stressed," Katie said, "You've had a long month."

"You're right," Chandler said, "Maybe that's it."

"I still think you should take the test though," Katie said, "Just in case."

"I'm scared," Chandler said.

"It's gonna be all right," Katie said, "Try not to stress until we know for sure."

"You're right," Chandler said. Katie shut the door giving her some privacy. Chandler took the pregnancy test putting the cap back on when she finished. She sat it facing upside down on the counter as she washed her hands.

When she opened the door she saw Katie sitting on the floor across from the bathroom door. Without a word, she sat down beside her friend. They both stared up at the pregnancy test that was sitting on the counter. Katie grabbed her best friend's hand in support.

Chandler always knew they'd be here one day. She always thought it would be for Katie. She was the one in a happy relationship. In her dreams, they were always happily waiting for the results of the test. She was so happy for her best friend. Katie had always wanted to be a mom.

But here they sat in silence waiting for a test. A test that wasn't Katie's but hers. There was no excitement in the air, only anxiousness. "I think it's time," Katie spoke softly after some time.

"I don't know if I can do it," Chandler whispered, "What if it's positive?"

"Then we'll deal with it," Katie said squeezing her friend's hand, "Together."

Katie stood up and held her hand out toward Chandler. The girl took it standing up. They both slowly walked toward the counter. The closer they got the more Chandler felt sick to her stomach. "You flip it over...please."

"Whatever it says," Katie said putting her hand on the test, "We'll get through this."

Serendipitous                                                       [Joe Burrow]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن