Chapter 7

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August 2020

Chandler sat in the exam room of the doctor's office. She fiddled with her fingers due to nervousness. Today was the day she officially found out if she was pregnant. When she called they didn't want her to come in until she was 8 weeks so they could do an ultrasound. Now several weeks later, here she sat alone in the exam room.

A knock on her door drug her from her thoughts. "Miss Black? May I come in?"

"Yes," Chandler answered.

"Hello, Miss Black. My name is Doctor Johnson," the man smiled.

"It's nice to meet you," Chandler said.

"Looking at your file I see you're here for an ultrasound?" Dr. Johnson asked.


"When was the first day of your last period?" Dr. Johnson asked.

"June 14th."

"Okay. Going by calculations you should be a little over 8 weeks today," Dr. Johnson said, "Today we'll do an ultrasound to see if that's accurate." Chandler nodded her head not sure if she could answer. "I'm just gonna have you lay back on the table and pull your shirt up for the ultrasound."

Chandler laid back and lifted her shirt. The doctor explained what she was going to do before putting the ultrasound wand in her stomach. Chandler lay in anticipation staring at the screen. She felt like her heart was beating a thousand times a minute. "There's your baby," Dr. Johnson said, "Congratulations."


"What did you find out at the doctor?" Katie said as Chandler walked through the door. She wanted to go with her friend to the doctor but Chandler knew she needed to do it by herself. Not knowing exactly what to say she held up the ultrasound. Katie gasped as she grabbed the ultrasounds out of her friend's hand.

"Oh my gosh!" Katie exclaimed, "How are you feeling?"

"Actually happy," Chandler responded, "I can't believe I have a baby inside of me. A baby that my body is growing."

"Chandler I'm so happy for you," Katie said pulling her into a hug.

"So it's official huh?" Miles asked from the couch.

"Yup. It's official," Chandler said.

"Well I'm happy if you are," Miles said.

"So have you decided what you're gonna do?" Katie's asked, "About the baby daddy...?"

"I think I'm going to tell him," Chandler said.

"Really? When?"

"Today," Chandler said walking past her friend and into her room.

"Today?" Katie asked following her, "Do you think it's a little early?"

"What? You're the one that was telling me I needed to tell him," Chandler said.

"You're right. What made you decide to tell him today?" Katie asked.

"I know how happy I was seeing my baby on the screen this morning. I don't want to keep that from him any longer," Chandler said, "If he decides that he doesn't want to be a part of this baby's life then that's on him."

"I'm proud of you," Katie smiled, "Weeks ago you were freaking out and didn't want to tell him at all. Now look at you, practically running to tell him."

"I think seeing the baby just really brought me clarity," Chandler said, "All the little worries washed away when I heard the heartbeat."

"Do you want me to go with you?" Katie asked, "For moral support?"

"No. I need to do this by myself," Chandler said, "Just wish me luck."

"Good luck. You got this!" Chandler smiled at Katie before walking out of her room.

"Wish me luck Miles, I'm off to tell Joe that he's going to be a father," Chandler said.

"You're doing that now?" Miles asked.

"Yup. I don't see a reason to wait."

"Well good for you," Miles smiled, "Better to do it now than wait."

The Bengals narrowly beat the Chiefs in the first preseason game of 2020. Quarterback Joe Burrow is going to have to whip his team into shape if they're going to succeed this season.

Chandler turned to face the TV. She'd never really beeb into sports. Her father loved football...anything he loved she despised. Anything she can do to distance herself from her father she would, even if that meant hating a sport. The face she saw on the screen made her drop her phone on the ground. "What's wrong?" Katie asked.

Chandler felt like the room was spinning. Her heart was beating so loud it was like that was all she could hear. She stumbled back trying to regain her balance. "Wow!" Miles said standing to steady her, "What's wrong."

"She needs to sit down," Katie said. They both stood on either side of her and helped her to the couch. "What's wrong?"

Chandler gestured to the TV. Joe Burrow's face was still there since Miles had paused the TV. "Joe."

"The Bengals quarterback?" Miles asked.

"Joe!?" Katie asked wide-eyed at her friend, "The Joe?!"

"Yeah," Chandler breathed out sitting back on the couch. If she didn't she was afraid she might pass out.

"You're joking!" Katie yelled.

"What is happening?!" Miles yelled. The man was clueless right now. He hated when they talked like this and he didn't know what they meant.

"Joe," Katie said pointing at the TV, "The father of her unborn baby is Joe!" Miles's mouth dropped open in shock.

"Joe Burrow? The quarterback of the Cincinnati Bengals is your baby daddy?!" Miles yelled, "Dude that is so cool!"

"No! No, it's not Miles!" Chandler yelled.

"It's definitely not," Katie agreed.

"How are you two not excited right now?" Miles asked, "We're like the same age and I wish Joe Burrow was my dad! Do you even know what this man has done in football? He just got drafted into the NFL and people are already projecting him to be the best quarterback this season."

"That's exactly why I'm not excited!!" Chandler yelled, "I was already having to tell this man that I'm pregnant with his baby. Now if he wants to be a part of its life I'll inevitably end up in the spotlight somehow. And so will my baby!"

"So you aren't going to tell him?" Katie asked.

"No. Hell no!"

"I think you should," Miles chimed in.

"You just want me to because you want to meet Joe Burrow."

"I think you should too," Katie said.

"Are you crazy?!"

"Just because he's a professional football player doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to know," Katie said.

"Yeah and what happens when I go to his house and tell him huh?" Chandler asked, "He might not even believe me. Or worse, he thinks I did this on purpose to go after his money."

"That's ridiculous. Obviously you didn't even know who he was when you guys got together," Katie said.

"Yeah you and I know that," Chandler said, "But will he believe that?!"

"I still think he deserves to know," Katie said.

"No. I'm not telling him," Chandler said standing up and walking straight to her room. This was going to be a lot more stressful than she thought.

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