Chapter 4

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Chandler turned the knob on her apartment door entering quietly. She didn't have the guts to check her phone. Maybe Katie was still asleep and she could sneak in?

"Where the hell have you been!" So much for that idea...

"I'm so sorry," Chandler said turning to see her fuming roommate. Katie had every right to be pissed off at her.

"You're sorry? I thought you were dead! That the guys you went home with had murdered you or something!"

"Well I'm alive as you can see," Chandler said trying to calm the girl.

"Yeah and waltzing into our apartment after 10 o'clock," Katie said, "I was half an hour away from calling the police and filing a missing persons case."

"You know you have to wait at least 24 hours for those," Chandler joked.

"Not funny!" Katie huffed.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I understand why you're pissed," Chandler said, "But I just lost track of time and as soon as I saw what time it was I headed straight home." Katie crossed her arms and took in her friend's appearance. Her hair was a little disheveled and the tight top from last night had been replaced by a long baggy t-shirt.

"At least tell me you had good sex last night," Katie said, "That might make me feel a little better about you being so oblivious to phones and time."

"It was all right," Chandler shrugged as she kicked off her shoes.

"Just all right?" Katie asked, "When has just all right sex ever led to you staying the night at a guy's house and not coming home until after 10 o'clock?"

"All right. It was probably the best sex I've ever had in my life," Chandler spilled.

"Shut up! You have to tell me everything!" Katie squealed.

"I don't know what else to say," Chandler said, "Other than we did it...multiple times. The last time we may or may not have had a condom..."

"Chandler!" Katie said shoving her best friend's arm.

"I know it was stupid!" Chandler said, "But you have no idea how it felt."

"As long as you've been taking your pill!" Katie said.

"I have! I swear!"

"Good. Now what do you want for breakfast?" Katie asked opening the fridge.

"I'm not hungry."

"Oh come on. A night of sex like that, you must be starving."

"Oh, I was. Joe actually made chocolate chip pancakes this morning," Chandler said, "I actually already ate." Katie turned around with her mouth wide open.

"Amazing sex and chocolate chip pancakes?" she asked, "I'm surprised you didn't marry the guy right in his kitchen!"

"All right, let's not get too far!"

"So when are you seeing Joe again?" Katie asked.

"I'm not," Chandler shrugged. 

"What?!" Katie exclaimed.

"I'm not seeing him again," Chandler repeated, "We both agreed last night that this was just going to be a one-time thing. No strings attached."

"You're gonna let a man like that, as perfect as you described him, go?!" Katie asked, "Are you insane!!"

"I'm just not looking for a relationship right now," Chandler said, "Plus he just got out of a 3 year long relationship. He's not exactly looking for any commitment either. We both were just having a rough week and we needed to let off some steam, that's all."

"So he used you?" she asked.

"Just as much as I used him," Chandler said, "We both got what we wanted and now we'll never see each other again."

"So do you know anything about him?" Katie's asked, "Job? Family? Anything?"

"Nope. He just told me that his girlfriend of 3 years broke up with him," Chandler said, "He did say that he was making a big career move but I didn't ask questions."

"Well, what was his house like? His car?"

"Really nice house. Nice car," Chandler said, "I can only imagine whatever he does he makes a lot of money."

"I think you're being stupid," Katie shook her head.

"I'm just trying to have fun!" Chandler said, "I'm only 22. I don't want anything serious right now."

"You're gonna be 23 in October," Katie said, "Don't you want to be in a happy loving relationship?"

"Katie I love that you and Miles found each other and fell madly in love. But ever since then, you've been trying to get me into a relationship," Chandler said, "That's not what I want in my life. I just want to live free and be single."

"Fine," Katie said, "As long as you're happy I guess that's all that matters."

"I am happy," Chandler smiled.

"So what are you going to do about a job?" Katie asked.

"Ugh!" Chandler groaned as she put her head down on the table in front of her, "I was happy...why did you have to bring that up?"

"Because it's something you need to think about," Katie said, "You can always have a job at the hair salon. The receptionist we have now is moving."

"I think I should try and find something on my own," Chandler said, "But thank you."

"What about your parents?" Katie asked.

"You know I haven't talked to them since we moved here," Chandler said, "Plus I don't think they'd even talk to me if I tired."

"It might not hurt to try," Katie said.

"No. I can do this by myself," Chandler said, "I don't need them or their money."

"Well my offer stands until the end of the month," Katie said, "That's when she's moving."

"Thank you, Katie, seriously," Chandler said, "You're the only person in my life I can count on."

"You're my best friend," Katie smiled, "What else are best friends for?"

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