School of Hard Fights

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Nightshade walks up to the door of the principal's office and takes a minute to prepare himself. "Alright, time to do this part again. What kind of entrance should I do this time. I could just blast thee door open." He raises his Crystal spear and begins to charge with magical energy. Until suddenly coming to a stop. "No wait, the polite thing to do would be to knock on the door."

Celestia hears a knock on her door and replies accordingly. "Come in."

The door bursts off its hinges and flies across the room. It just barely misses the now in shock principal and slams into the wall. Principal Celestia looks to her right to see the bottom of her door sticking out of the wall behind her.

"Thanks for having me Ms., much appreciated." Nightshade says as he walks into her office. "Sorry about the door by the way. Needed to send a message and all. You know how these things go." He walks further and stops right in front of her desk. "It'll get fixed soon enough though, so don't worry."

"What have you..." Celestia starts to speak but is cut off when Nightshade places his right index finger on her lips.

"Shhhh, we don't want to worry anyone by starting a panic now do we?"

At that moment the screams of the CHS students could be heard from inside her office.

"I'm sure they're fine. I ordered my terrifying giant beasts not to eat anyone." He says that as if it would actually make her feel better. "Any way I need a place to watch the upcoming events unfold and I figured what better place than the principal's office. So please get out of the chair."

Before Celestia had a chance to reply, she found herself floating up out of her seat. Nightshade is using Twilight's magic on her and she is not enjoying it. "Put me down right now." She demands.

"I don't like your tone young lady." Nightshade says mocking her. "Go stand in the corner." He levitates her over and sit her down in the corner. To keep her in place, he uses Rarity's magic and encases her up to her neck with diamonds. "Now you stay there and think about what you've done."

Clearly enjoying himself, he takes a seat in Celestia's chair. "Cue vice-principal in three, two, one." He points to the empty space where the door used to be, and right on cue Vice-Principal Luna runs in, worried for her older sister.

"Celestia, are you..." She gasps in fear as she sees her sister held against her will in the back corner. Before she could react in any way, she found herself thrusted right next to her sister due to Nightshade's telekinesis. Quickly followed by being trapped in magical diamonds just like her sister.

"Really Luna, it's rude to enter a room without knocking first. Though I suppose I didn't leave you much choice."

Luna struggles to get free, but it's just no use. She is trapped.

Nightshade looks to his captives, or more specifically their distressed faces, and thinks he should do something to try and lighten the mood. "Look ladies I know this must be weird for you and your students. A strange man suddenly appears and is now using magic to achieve whatever it is he wants." Honestly that's pretty normal for this school. "Usually it's a girl."

Nightshade can't help but laugh at his little joke but believe it or not the two sisters don't seem to appreciate his humor. He clears his throat as he realizes that it's probably best to lay off the jokes for the time being and continues to speak.

"Perhaps I should introduce myself. You can call me Nightshade. I'm just going to be borrowing your school for a little while" It's nothing personal, sometimes we do what we need to get what we need. If it makes you feel better, I honestly take no pleasure in what I'm doing." He says as he sits his feet up on Celestia's desk. They still didn't feel any better. I guess there's just no cheering up some people. Especially when your holding said people captive.

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