Interlude #4 Pt 2: Homecoming

Start from the beginning

He turns away with a twirl of his cape and walks off.

Yerlec(Deadpan): ...charming.

???: That king of ours is as cuddly as a cactus, ain't he?

Yerlec turned towards the new voice.

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Yerlec: Indeed... I just arrived and already invoked his ire.

???: Feh, he's always been a stick in the mud. Even death and resurrection didn't change that.

Yerlec: So, you're aware that you died?

???: Most everyone here is. Not sure how though...

Yerlec: You wouldn't believe me if I told you...

The saiyan raised an eyebrow at that, but laughed it off.

??? *Chuckles* Maybe, maybe not. Hey, I never got your name, stranger. My name's Cuke.

Yerlec: My name is Yerlec, a pleasure.

Cuke froze in place, as his eyes widened.

Cuke(Shock): D-did you say "Yerlec"?

Yerlec: Indeed I did. Why?

Before he knew it, Yerlec was brought into a tight bear hug and swung around.

Cuke(Excited): It's you! It's really you! *Laughs heartily*

Yerlec(Confused): I'm sorry, wh-who are you exactly?

Cuke: It's me, your father!

The world around Yerlec went silent. His ... father? His family? He was here, right in front of him! He had laid awake for this moment for years, and now it was reality!

Cuke: Look at you, so big and strong! Just like your old man!

Cuke gave his son a noogie as he guffawed.

Cuke: Oh, I gotta show you to your mother!

The two saiyans made their way to a modest looking house a distance away from what seemed to be the royal capital. Once inside, a woman was seen outside by a lake.

Cuke: Hey, Selek! You'll never guess who I came across!

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