Full moon party

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"How are you this fine evening Miss Peirce" Damon asked her as they walked underneath the full moon

"There is no need for the formalities my dear Damon" she giggled unable to contain herself "I think we moved past formalities long ago"

"Yes you may be right about that" he smiled, he was a ray of warm sunshine. Her sunshine bottled up to warm her once cold heart 

"You will find that I am always right" she grinned leaning up to kiss him gently, he looked at her with eyes so full of love that she couldn't doubt how he felt

"Indeed you are" he smiled against her lips 

Lucia woke to a pounding on her door, the dream already fading. She turned over in bed hoping he would go away, there was only one person who would visit her. For a second, she contemplated killing him, then she could go back to sleep

"What do you want, Mason?" she groaned, opening her door. He barged past her into the small living room that also worked as her kitchen. "Good morning Lucia, thank you for taking the time out of your tired day to see me."

"You showed yourself to those vampires," he shouted, hitting the edge of her counter, which cracked under the force

"Shit Mason be careful, I have to live here you know" the full moon was making his anger worse and soon it would get to her if he didn't leave "Look, I did what I believed was right. I didn't show my wolf side. I kept my anger under control. They only think I'm a witch. No harm has been done apart from to Damon."

"It doesn't matter Katherines panicking. She thinks you've ruined her plan. If we can't get this moonstone, we're stuck forever," he said, shaking with the fear he'd have to turn forever

"I'll talk to her" Lucia shook her head. He had no idea what he was in for. Katherine was perfectly executing her fake paranoia, Mason would do anything to calm her and Lucia wanted nothing to do with it but she had no choice. She never had "I'll explain what happened and that you had nothing to do with it, you'll be back in bed with her by tonight"

"Thanks,' you're the only one she'll listen to," Mason sighed, his anger evaporating, it always vanished as quickly as it appeared "It's still weird when you talk about my sex life, though

She laughed feeling the weight in her bones as her anticipation grew, she hated full moons "I know it is. that's why I do it."

It was too late to go back to sleep and to early to do anything meaningful, worked up by the full moon, she couldn't stop the anxiety coursing through her. She tidied what she could of her living room and got dressed, taking the small pill of wolfspain she had created. It kept her anger docile enough to interact with others, she'd quickly learnt that she didn't cope as a werewolf. She'd thought when she was just a syphon that her anger had been explosive, but as a werewolf she was dangerous. Her own form of medication kept her emotions in check

The weather was nice, the sun shining on the town. It was hard to enjoy when she knew somewhere Caroline was locked away, unable to touch the warm rays. In a way, she felt responsible. She should have known that Katherine would do something. She should have saved Caroline, but one life wouldn't make a difference when she'd assisted in killing at least a hundred.

She picked up her application for the grill, knowing she couldn't put it off any longer. She'd come to Mystic Falls with a meagre pocket full of money. It had been enough to pay her deposit on the apartment and her first months rent with enough leftover for bills and shopping. Now, if she wanted to live there for another month, which she wasn't sure she did, she had to get a job. Katherine had always offered to buy her a place, but she'd never wanted to rely on her. She liked suffering in the cramped space, as long as she stayed with Katherine and allowed her to destroy lives she would punish herself in any way she could

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