A deadly game

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When Lucia had moved to Mystic Falls to escape her past of death, she had never expected that he'd chase her. That death could hold such a vengeance that he'd chase her to the ends of the earth until she had taken her last breath. But then again death was a bitch, and he was sick of her escaping his grasp. Fortunately for Death, that day would come sooner than either of them expected. What was strange was that Lucia had never expected to feel so at peace in the cold arms at the end of the world.

Lucia woke in a sweat, shaking the face that she couldn't place. He'd haunted her all her life, sticking to her like her own shadow. The difference was that when night fell unlike her shadow that retreated to blend into the darkness, his became known feeding on her helplessness. On the same day every month she had the same dream, and for the next month the calculating eyes of the vampire would follow her burned into the back of her eyelids, it felt as though she had stared at a bright light for to long and no matter how many times she blinked it wouldn't leave.

The apartment she was renting was small and uncomfortable, but it was all she could afford. The walls were a concerning grey colour and the floor always had a sticky feeling that forced her to wear shoes everywhere but the bedroom. It didn't matter to her. It felt like a rightful punishment to live miserably after all the lives she'd taken.

"Fuck" she mumbled stepping in a puddle of water as she tried to tie her hair back. She placed a bowl under the leaking ceiling, changing her socks before rushing out of the door

She hadn't wanted to go to Mystic falls, it had been Katherines idea a way for her to clear her head and take a small vacation of sorts. She'd crashed her car the first night, something had gotten in her head. There had been a pain that wracked her body numbing her mind and the next second she was in a ditch. She'd spent a day in hospital recovering from a concussion, it hadn't taken long with her fast healing. With no where to live and no way to get out of the town she'd felt completely defeated, she couldn't return to Katherine there was to much blood on her hands. By pure chance she'd made friends with a visitor at the hospital and his girlfriend. He'd told her about the apartment to rent, and now she was joining the school trying to build another life that would eventually fail. It always did

"Hey Matt," she smiled, looking around the festival booths that were being filled up with a rainbow of colours

"What are you doing here?" he asked excitedly hugging her with his one good arm "You're meant to be sorting out your apartment."

"I know, but I can't do anything there its a mess, I thought I could help set things up. I wanted to feel useful" The air was lighter than it had been in months. The entire town seemed on edge with anticipation for the night coming. She didn't care much about the festival, but she needed to be around people instead of isolating herself. It was seriously becoming depressing "How's Caroline doing?"

"Restless, she won't eat any of the food." Matt shook his head frustrated, he loved her but she was stubborn. It wasn't easy being with someone who didn't listen especially when you were only looking out for their safety "she doesn't like how it tastes."

"I wouldn't eat it either, its disgusting" she laughed, pulling toys out of their bags to fill the stall. "So, do I get to meet your other friends tonight?"

"Of course, they're very excited to meet you." He nodded distracted. His concern for Caroline was pulling his attention away from her, he'd be distracted all night

Time passed quickly as they set up the stalls. Despite Matts slight distraction, she liked his company even if they didn't talk. It was refreshing not to be asked a million questions, when she never wanted to answer them. Under other circumstances she'd never be friends with Matt, she guessed it was Caroline that kept them together and the fact that she couldn't stand to be alone

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