"So how have you been feeling?" Joe asked.

"Most days pretty good," Chandler said, "Other days morning sickness still kicks in."

"I'm sorry," Joe said, "Is there anything I can do to help that?"

"No. Typically I just stay in bed all day," Chandler said, "Resting helps more than anything."

"Good. You need to rest," Joe said.

"So I guess we don't really know each other do we?"

"No we don't," Joe said, "So tell me about yourself."

"Well, I'm an only child. I was born and raised in Toledo, so I've lived in Ohio my whole life. I moved here after I graduated with my best friend Katie. She's who I share this apartment with. I got a degree in elementary education at the University of Cincinnati. As you know I didn't use that degree. I got a job at 19 at a law firm. I worked there for 3 years until I got fired and now I'm working as a receptionist at a hair salon."

"Your life sounds very interesting," Joe said, "What about your parents?"

"Oh I don't talk to them," Chandler said, "I don't really talk about them either."

"Sorry I brought it up," Joe said.

"It's fine," Chandler said, "Now that you know all about me let's hear about you."

"I'm the youngest of three boys. I was born and raised in Athens. When I graduated High School I decided to go to Ohio State where I played football. I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere at Ohio State so I decided to transfer to LSU. While at LSU I won the Heisman Trophy and the College football playoff national championship. In 2020 I was a first-round pick for the Cincinnati Bengals."

"Sounds like you've had a pretty busy life," Chandler said.

"It's definitely been eventful," Joe said.

"Are you excited for our appointment next week?" Chandler asked.

"Very. Are you?" Joe asked.

"Yes. I'm excited to find out the gender," Chandler smiled.

"What do you hope it is?" Joe asked.

"As long as it's healthy I don't care," Chandler said.

"Oh come on. That's such a basic parent answer," Joe said making Chandler laugh, "There has to be a specific gender you want."

"All right. You're probably going to disagree with me," Chandler said, "I've always wanted to have a girl first."

"Really?" Joe asked.

"I know. You probably want it to be a boy," Chandler said, "Carry on your football legacy."

"No," Joe said, "I think a girl would be nice."

"Seriously?" Chandler asked.

"Yeah. We have a lot of boys in my family," Joe said, "I think having the girl around would be great. Plus I think my mom would be ecstatic."

"That must have been hard for her being the only girl," Chandler said.

"She survived," Joe laughed, "Maybe barely some days with all us boys but she survived."

"I bet it was a lot of fun," Chandler said, "Were you guys a close family growing up?"

"Yeah we were," Joe said.

"That must have been nice," Chandler said, "I've always hoped to have a close family when I got older."

"Me too," Joe smiled putting his hand on Chandler's stomach, "And if we work together we can have that."

"I believe in us," Chandler said putting her hand on top of his. In the beginning, she was worried but now...now she knew this baby was going to have a great life.

"That reminds me," Joe said, "My mom wants to have dinner."

"With me?" Chandler asked.

"Yeah. She and my dad want to meet you," Joe said, "You in?"

"Yeah. That sounds fun," Chandler smiled.

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