The Other Side - Wu Bi

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May 2009. Beijing, China (Present Day)

Wu Bi! Wu Bi! Please open your eyes, Wu Bi! I'm begging you! You can't leave me! Wu Bi!!

Thud! The sound of my heavy macroeconomics textbook hitting the floor woke me from the same, reoccurring dream. It must have slid off my stomach as I fell asleep on the couch while studying again. The same couch where he made me a promise years ago. A promise that he broke the day he died in the car accident.

Can't leave you? But, I'm not the one who left...

Staring at the ceiling as I lie on the couch with my eyes wide open, a million thoughts flooded my already clouded mind.

That's the fifth time this month that I've had the same dream. But why are our positions always switched in it? He's the one who died, so why is he the one begging me to open my eyes? It doesn't make any sense...

Ow! My head immediately started to pound, like sharp needles were trying to penetrate my skull. This was a common symptom after waking up from this specific dream, but I wasn't sure why. Still groggy from my unplanned nap and now nursing a headache, I didn't hear him enter the apartment until his irritating voice reached my ears, "Ugh, this place is a pigsty. How do you manage to get anything done in this mess?" Mo Yi scolded.

Straining to adjust myself to sit upright, I huffed back, "What does it matter to you? It's not like you live here. Just mind your own business."

Mo Yi responded haughtily, "Hmph. Sounds like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. You dare talk to me in that tone when your thoughtful gege took time out of his busy schedule to bring you lunch? How ungrateful."

I laughed coldly, "Well no one asked you to, so you can do us both a favor and just leave the same way you came." I was not in the mood to argue with him right now, still grappling with the emotional impact of the dream.

But of course, Mo Yi never knew when to quit.

He continued unperturbed, "I'm going to do you a favor and pretend I didn't hear that. Now, hurry and come eat while the food is still hot." He placed the bags of food on the dining table, grabbed some dishes and silverware from the cupboards, and divided out portions before taking a seat. That's when the familiar aroma of Aunt Zhou's cooking hit my nose, making my mouth water. I can't remember the last time I had her cooking.

Heart aching, I denied myself the food and responded indifferently, "I'm not hungry. After you're done eating, just go. I want to be alone."

Mo Yi replied in an exasperated tone, "Ugh! Why are you being so difficult?! You always act this way when it's almos-," but I cut him off before he could finish his statement.

"Almost what? Almost his birthday? Is that what you were going to say? What are you waiting for then, gege? Say his name! Say it!! I fiercely challenged.

Bam! Mo Yi slammed his hands on the dining table, making the dishes rattle and stood abruptly. "Enough! I don't have time for your childish behavior. You don't want to eat? Fine. Suit yourself, but I'm not letting this food go to waste." He started packing up the food to put back into the take-out containers and bags.

As he was doing so, he continued his tirade, "I can't believe this is the thanks I get for looking out for you. Is this how you treat me after everything I've done for you for the past 2 years?! The level of disrespect!"

I suddenly blurted out, "Looking out for me?! Are you kidding?! This is all your fault in the first place! He'd still be here if it wasn't for you!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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