The Queen of Coruscant

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Which could she trust with an alliance - and better yet, what had she to offer in exchange? The greatest asset her kingdom had was its hardworking and warm people. Otherwise, their key to success had been her detailed understanding of politics, economics, and diplomacy, something Anakin seemed to lack. This, perhaps, she could provide. If the Emperor was as impressed with the kingdom as his spokesperson seemed to be, he might consider accepting her services as an advisor.

The sound of a horn quickly broke her out of her thoughts.

"My lady, we must descend, quickly!" Padme urged. 

(Y/N) nodded frantically. She had sorted through many dresses, but ultimately decided on a floor-length, crimson gown with a short collar. The dress was certainly worthy of a royal, but was sophisticated, with no puff or frill. A dainty gold embroidery graced the décolleté area and sleeves, a status symbol for the meeting. Her hair was pulled back on either side, with Padme tying matching red ribbons into her hair.

After slipping on a pair of heels, the young woman swept out of the room, followed closely by her maid.

"Announcing the presence of General Kenobi!" one of the queen's knights shouted as she arrived at the top of the stairs in the entryway to the palace.

Large marble doors swept inward, and an auburn haired man surrounded by three knights of his own strode in. 

"Obi-Wan Kenobi, how wonderful to meet you in the flesh." The queen inclined her head slightly to show respect. Obi-Wan was a well known general in the Empirical army, and the right hand man of Anakin himself.

"Hello there," Obi-Wan said with a confident smile. "Delighted, your majesty. I look forward to an evening of discussion."

"I as well," (Y/N) said graciously, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Please, accompany me to our dining hall. Our chefs have prepared a fantastic dinner, with a roast and many of our seasonal vegetables."

As the party moved to the dining area, the queen observed General Kenobi's body language, as well as the brief comments he made to his knights after flitting his eyes around the palace. They sat around a long, rectangular table, and made idle conversation as the food began to be served.

"I've been looking so forward to trying Coruscant's Bantha roast!" Obi-Wan said enthusiastically. "I could hardly refuse such an offer when you sent your most recent letter."

Padme smiled. 

"The queen ensured that we would have some available for you to try, General." She said kindly. "We have been looking forward to our first contact."

Another half-hour of formalities ensued - discussion of the culture in Coruscant, where Obi-Wan was from, and how he became a general of one of the most powerful armies in the world.

"It's really like a family tree," Obi-Wan explained. "Each general will get another to teach under them, and so on and so forth. The soldier I learned from, a man by the name of Qui-Gon, was a skilled sword master. As am I now, and as will be the apprentice I pass it on to. It would have been Anakin, had he not become emperor."

Padme tilted her head in curiosity.

"How did he become emperor? You make it sound as if it were not inherited."

Obi-Wan nodded behind his chalice of wine. 

"It wasn't. Anakin competed in trials set forth by the previous ruler, who was a king. He, of course, wiped out the competition. After his ascent to the throne, he grew the Empire into what we know it as today."

(Y/N) knew this already - she was well versed in the history of her contemporaries. This was part of the diplomacy she had worked so hard to perfect. 

Obi-Wan wiped his mouth and beard with a cloth before turning to face the queen.

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