Body Swap I (Karina)

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"Morning, Y/N," they chimed, their voices tinged with a giggly, flirty undertone.

The sound of their laughter grated on her. Karina clenched her teeth, silently vowing retribution for their audacity. "We're not even a couple...yet," she muttered under her breath, her mind briefly wandering back to the intoxicating moments she'd shared with Y/N the previous night.

Her daydream was abruptly shattered by a firm grip on her shoulder, eliciting an involuntary, high-pitched squeal from her lips.

"What the heck?" Jaemin recoiled, his eyes wide with surprise at the feminine sound that had just escaped Y/N's throat. "I didn't know you could squeal like that!"

Jaemin's laughter drew curious glances, though no one seemed to understand the reason behind it. Karina recalled seeing him at the party, one of Y/N's friends.

'He must be close to Y/N,' she deduced silently.

Before she could react further, Jaemin's hand was back on her shoulder, slightly less startling this time. Without a word, he began leading her toward a classroom, presumably where he thought Y/N should be.

Karina, belonging to a different major, found herself lost in the unfamiliar subject matter of the class. Despite her confusion, she managed to convincingly play the part of a student among Y/N's peers.

After the class ended, Karina seized an opportunity to slip away from Jaemin's watchful eye, leaving him searching the campus grounds in confusion.

Time pressed heavily on her mind. The thought that they might remain in each other's bodies permanently if they didn't revert by midnight, was a frightening prospect. Determined not to waste a moment, she hurried to the bus stop, bound for her apartment where she presumed Y/N would be. Thankfully, the campus was only a short ride away.

During the brief bus journey, her mind raced with possibilities. Stepping off the bus, she quickened her pace towards her room. Ears pressed against the door, she listened for any signs of life inside. Silence greeted her, suggesting Y/N might still be asleep. "He can't possibly be sleeping now, right?" she questioned herself, glancing at her watch which showed it was already five in the evening.

With a gentle push, the door swung open, revealing a scene of chaos. Her room was a disaster zone: dresses, skirts, and underwear strewn across the floor; food wrappers overflowing from the trash can; half the blanket lying crumpled on the ground. There, sprawled on the bed watching TV, was Y/N, clad only in her underwear. The sight was almost too much for Karina, a surge of nausea rising in her throat.

But then Y/N, in her own body, called out with a playful wave, "What's up, Kira?" The charm in his voice somehow diffused her disgust.

"Hi, Y/N," she responded, trying to mask her shock. "How are you feeling?"

"All good," he replied with a cheerful smile. "I had quite an adventure with your body today."

"Adventure?" Karina's brow furrowed in confusion.

"Yeah, an adventure," he said, grinning broadly.

Karina felt a mix of curiosity and apprehension, but she decided not to probe further for the moment. The priority was clear in her mind: they needed to switch back to their bodies as soon as possible.

Karina hesitantly perched on the edge of the bed next to Y/N. A strange sensation began to course through her veins, a surreal awareness of confronting her face and body in this bizarre twist of fate.

"I think...we need to kiss to switch back," Karina ventured, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"You think so?" Y/N responded, his agreement coming with an eager nod.

Words hovered on the brink of utterance, stifled by the growing awkwardness between them. Karina's hand, wider and rougher than she remembered, tentatively found its way to Y/N's thigh, a silent plea for him to reciprocate. Understanding her unspoken request, Y/N placed his slender, delicate hands on her shoulders, signaling his readiness.

Their eyes locked, a myriad of emotions flickering within. Slowly, cautiously, Karina leaned forward, closing the gap between them. Their breaths mingled; a shared apprehension palpable in the air. As their lips finally met, a gentle, exploratory touch, time seemed to stand still.

Y/N's hands, surprisingly gentle, slid up from her shoulders, fingers threading through her hair. Karina's own hands, feeling strangely foreign yet familiar, moved to cradle Y/N's face, her thumbs caressing the cheekbones that were once hers.

The kiss deepened, transcending the initial awkwardness. Their lips moved in a tentative dance, discovering a rhythm unique to their switched forms. Y/N's breath, warm and quickening, brushed against her skin, sending shivers down her spine. The sensation of his fingers tangling in her hair, a soft contrast to the firmness of his grasp, was both strange and exhilarating.

Karina's fingers traced the line of Y/N's jaw, feeling the pulse fluttering beneath the skin. The texture of his hair, finer than her own, slipped like silk between her fingers. As they pulled away, they closed their eyes and foreheads rested together for a fleeting moment, a silent acknowledgment of the surreal intimacy they had just shared.

Their kiss, born out of necessity, had blossomed into a moment of genuine connection, blurring the lines of their extraordinary circumstance. It was a kiss that spoke of unspoken feelings, of shared experiences in the most unusual of situations, and of a bond that had been strengthened most unexpectedly.

As they slowly opened their eyes, locking gazes, a shared realization dawned. They were looking at the person they had grown to love in the most unexpected of ways. Karina's eyes drifted downwards to her form, a blush creeping across her cheeks at the sight of her half-naked body.

"Don't look at me..." she murmured, a mix of shyness and vulnerability in her voice.

"But I need to," Y/N insisted gently, his voice laced with affection. He eased her back onto the bed, his desire to be close to her palpable. "I want to feel that connection again."

Karina gave a shy nod, a silent permission. Their lips met once more, Y/N pressing forward with a tender assertiveness, deepening their kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of newfound understanding and appreciation.

As their embrace intensified, Karina's fingers found the buttons of his shirt, slowly revealing the chest she had come to know so well. Her hands, delicate yet confident, explored the contours of his body. One hand glided through his soft hair, while the other rested against his chest, a gentle push mingled with an unspoken plea for closeness.

Their kiss evolved, a gateway to a deeper, more profound level of their relationship. Having spent a day in each other's lives, Karina's appreciation for Y/N had deepened. She admired his simplicity, his boldness, and the nuances of his personality that she'd come to understand intimately.

As night transitioned into dawn, their newfound love and understanding for each other blossomed.

♬ ♬ ♬

A spontaneous late-night concept: body-swapping Karina with Y/N. I have many unfinished drafts that likely require just 20 dedicated minutes to complete. Yet, here I am, writing something new from scratch rather than continuing my existing work.

Even so, I hope you guys like this story. Tell me you do!

 Tell me you do!

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