Chapter 1: Self-Love

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[Melody's POV]

Let's do things differently this time.

Like, soooo differently.

His name is Miles Morales.

He was bitten by a radioactive spider.

And he's not the only one.

He hasn't always had it easy.

And he's not the only one.

And now he's on his own.

And he's not the only one.

You think you know the rest.

You don't.

I thought I knew the rest...but I didn't.

He didn't want to hurt me...I hope.

But he did.

I wished he was the only one.

The only one that was different.

But he isn't.

I'm such a fool for believing he was.

"Melody." I kept playing.

"Melody!" The sound of my violin took over me.

"MELODY." I stopped, coming out of my musical and magical trance.

I looked around at my other members, "What- is the song over?" They all just...looked at me with a deadpanned look. " seems over-" I continued, but was then interrupted by the pianist, Hailey, "Are you okay...?"

God, I hated that question. Hailey continued, "You don't hang out, and you don't wanna talk-" "I didn't join a band to talk about my feelings!  I joined it so I can take them out on the violin." I defended myself, but honestly, I can't tell you if that 'coping mechanism' worked.

Hailey stopped me before I can play an improvised solo, "Yo, if you don't tell someone what's going on, you're gonna snap."

I sighed, already annoyed. "I'm fine."

"That's not how someone who's fine would say that..." Another violinist, Jamie, added.

Hailey opened her mouth....again, "They'd say, 'Great. Thanks! How are you?'"

I quickly got up, saying in a sarcastic tone, "I'm great! Thanks!"


"How are you?!" I grumbled, before I stormed out of the auditorium.

I always wanted to be in any kind of group...but I just never found the right one. How could someone be in band, basketball AND tech club and still not feel like themselves? Maybe I'm just a picky person.

In this line of work, you'll always end up as a solo act, because everyone leaves. Before Miles, I had Peter...and Gwen. Especially Gwen.

We were always close, ever since we were in diapers. Then well- I became Ghost-Spider. Everything was going great until Apex was making a ruckus in the city this one time. People were dying, buildings were collapsing, and the police were scattered everywhere. Apex killed Captain Stacy right in front of me, then fled from the scene. Gwen just happened to come after he left, making me look like the killer.

Why would she think I killed her father? I don't know. I mean- yeah, her father never agreed with Spider-Man and Ghost-Spider (like most policemen) but that was no reason for me to do anything to him.

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