Pt 22~ Killian

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Luna POV (4 years ago)

I had just found a boy on Lian Yu. I took him to the courts and finalized the adoption paperwork. His parents had died in a major accident, and he had no one. I took on the role of his guardian. Then, one day, she appeared.

Natalia Romanova.

She was still under the influence of the chemical subjugation and had no choice.

She was the reason his parents had died. And she was here to finish the job.

We were living with Oliver then, who was like a grandfather to him. That is probably why he still doesn't forgive her for it.

His parents were supposed to give him to Hydra, and Hydra was blackmailing them. he was supposed to become one of the people to go on missions with me. But they ran, and Hydra believed that after everything that had happened with his parents, Killian was a lost cause. They wanted to dispose of the experiments they had already started with him.

Hydra had done their research and told the RedRoom to kill Killian and then bring me back. They had seen the court papers. They knew this would be one way to break my spirit and bring me back in.

Luna POV (Present)

But she still had some of her mind. I could see it in her eyes. She could've chosen a different route.

She will die, and so will the people she has close to her. He deserves at least that.


A/N: I briefly mentioned him in the book if you need clarification about who Killian is.

Also, I got my books as reading recommendations. XD

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