Chapter 12 ~ Explanation

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Luna POV

I flew back up the cliff and saw Slade with a look of shock on his face. "You could fly this whole time???" Slade asked.

"Maybe..." I said, unsure of how he would act. "That's amazing, Luna! Is that how you caught most of the meals those few years?"

"Duh," I said. "How did you think I got here? Ship? Most sailors are scared of coming over here. Plane? Pilots are the same way."

We started walking to where we used to live on the island.

Once we got there, he asked, "Anything else I should know?"

"Yeah, it's the reason I'm here. Don't freak out," I said right before turning into Asena's form.

"Jesus Christ!" Slade shouts. "Luna?"

I rolled my eyes and started to walk away. I then stopped and motioned for Slade to follow me with a nod of my head.

I then let Asena take over to find adequate shelter.

Asena POV

I took Slade and Luna to a safe place to sleep around the beach but not too close to it. That way, they were safe from people attacking from boats but deep enough in the jungle to not be seen by planes. Slade was right next to me. I looked up to see him expecting something.

I quickly stopped and went behind a tree to shift back into Luna's human form but let her human mentality rest. I walked back out to talk to Slade, a very distinct (I don't know if I declared a color for luna's eyes, but here is a new one if I didn't.) ice blue hue to usually brown eyes.

"Luna? Why are your eyes blue?" Slade asks.

"I am not Luna. I am Asena, her wolf," I replied. "You were just walking beside me. Right now, I am using her human form while her mind rests."

S-"Okay? Why are you no longer a wolf?"

A-"Because you looked like you needed an explanation. But while we talk, let's keep moving forward. We need to find shelter before dark."

S- "Alright."

We keep walking toward the direction I had started to bring him earlier.

A- "What do you want to know?"

S-"How long has Luna been a wolf?"

A-"As far as she knows, 3 months. Little does she know, we have been together for years. I wasn't allowed to show until we met our soulmate. Which we did. But hydra kidnapped her days after we met her. They injected her with a serum which "turned her into a werewolf." But that's not what it really did."

I trailed off, not really wanting to say it out loud.

S- "What did it do?"

I let out a sigh.

A-"It took away the inhibitor that stopped us from hurting our mate, whether on purpose or accidentally. We are only back here because we had a Lian Yu nightmare and scratched her with our claws. We cut into her shoulder, deep enough to make her need stitches."

I looked to my side to see Slade with a look of pity. Then when I looked forward, I saw that we had reached our destination.

A- "Come on, we're here."

I had memorized years ago where Yao Fei's cave was. 

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