"Wow...do you know April?" Mikey asked, tilting his head as he looked up at you. You shook your head. "I don't, but she seems very nice."

"She bullies me." Another voice appeared, it was monotone and very...pouty you could say. You tried turning around, only to realize that Leo was still holding you.
You looked up at him, a bit confused. Leo looked back down and grinned sheepishly, then released you.

"Human!" Was all you heard before something struck you in the back of your neck, causing you to black out.

Option two has been selected!

"Do you trust me?" Leo asked, his brown eyes staring into your E/C ones.

"Uh...no, not really." You said nervously, Leo frowned, his hand turning into a fist by his side.

"Oh! That's fine, I guess. You're just that enamored by my awesomeness, huh?" He teased, winking at you.

"I...I'll see you around?" You asked, starting to pick up your school supplies, you were getting ready to leave when Leo grabbed your arm, stopping you.

"Oh, gross. I don't know why I did that. Sorry." He quickly released your arm, you turned to face him. "Yes?" You said, looking at the turtle.

"I was trying to get you to wait. We only just met! I don't want you going so soon!" Leo exclaimed. "Why don't you trust me?" He asked.

"You're a turtle, and you made a portal using a katana. Does that not scream suspicion?" You replied. Leo chewed the inside of his cheek, damn, you got him there.
"Fair point, I was only leading you to my home, which is like, a really long way from here." He said.

"Oh, you have an apartment?" You asked.
"No, I live in a sewer." He replied. You blinked, is he serious?

"Like legit? The sewer where everybody's piss and poo go?" You asked. You were a bit disturbed by the fact, but you also understood it. A mutant turtle couldn't possibly be able to live nor afford shelter in Manhattan.

Leo nodded, smiling widely. "What's wrong? Afraid of a bit of germs?" He teased, you huffed. "It's literally a sewer, how do you deal with the smell? Like whenever someone eats Taco Bell! What are you gonna do? Just let diarrhea come splashing into your house?!" You exclaimed, waving your arms around and  causing you to drop your books once again.

"Fudge on caramel sticks." You muttered angrily, kneeling to pick up your stuff. You decided to stuff it in your backpack, which didn't go well considering that your backpack didn't hold much stuff.

"Fudge on caramel sticks?" Leo questioned, tilting his head and raising a...bone? It was weird, Leo didn't have eyebrows, but it was clearly shown by the raised left side of his mask that he clearly was lifting something.

"Yea, it's what I say instead of the F-word...sometimes." You said that last part as a grumble.

"Why not just curse?"

"It's a habit I'm trying to break." You said as you crammed your stuff into your backpack. You slung it on your shoulder and nearly fell over from how heavy it was, Leo caught you by your sleeve and dragged you to your feet, which also happened to pull you uncomfortably close to his face.

"Hi there." You said, smiling, Leo blushed, which was a weird sight for you to see because you weren't sure if it was even possible for a turtle to blush. You let out a quiet chuckle and stepped away from him.

"Well, I should probably get going." You said as you turned around to leave. Once again, Leo called out your name, you groaned inwardly and turned around to find him holding a blue phone.

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