he is mine - 55

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Ming : entered the meeting Hall and wished him and cut off to the meeting

Mr. King : wished and start to say his purpose of viist…

Ming : the meeting continued for some time..

Mr. King : ok then… I will take my leave.. Said and went out..

Ming : went to her cabin.. And sat..

Yichen : stormed in her cabin and locked it..

Ming : looked at him… though his sudden entry made her jolt she pulled herself together soon..

Yichen : why… said all cold and annoyed..

Ming : didn't replied start to turn on her system

Yichen : I asked you WHY?...

Ming : didn't I made it clear.. Already.. Said all cold

Yichen : no you didn't… said snapping back

Ming : I asked you why too… didn't your reply was unclear too… in that case… said cold keep doing her work..

Yichen : went near her and turned her caur towards him and made her look at him..

Ming : stunned by his sudden move.. She froze there.. As she looked at his eyes.. Her heart beat went on race …

Yichen : bend his face a inch away… unknowingly his heart beat went crazy too

Ming : pulling herself she tried to move him

Yichen : but he didn't move even a bit.. He stood there firm

Ming : what do you want?.. Asked hiding her voice trembling and stuttering

Yichen : don't you think that's my question? He said snapping back..

Ming : fine.. And I'm not gonna answer.. Said looking at him

Yichen : and I'm not gonna leave till I get that.. No matter what.. If the staff come let them come.. I don't care.. Said all annoyed

Ming : don't blabber.. Leave.. Said cold.. As she got bit angry too..

Yichen : then answer… WHY?...

Ming : why you went on a date… what you wanna marry someone that why you are trying to leave here… that reason is what you are having… doesn't it make any logic… yelled

Yichen : you won't understand even if u explain…And what if I say YES.. That's the reason I'm LEAVING FOR… ..

Ming : froze… she felt hurt ans couldn't utter any words…

Yichen : I wanna  date live a normal life have marriage kids etc… that won't happen if I'm here so I am leaving ciz as you said the gossip won't be a problem to you and to me anymore so why bothering.. He yelled

Ming : then MARRY ME… she said

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