chapter 3 | sparks

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Azalea embodied a rare kindness that touched the hearts of everyone fortunate to know her

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Azalea embodied a rare kindness that touched the hearts of everyone fortunate to know her.

Not only was she a beautiful soul who was always considerate and caring for those around her, but people always enjoyed her presence.

Any place she was ever in, Azalea would lit up the room instantly with an infectious laugh that could instantly lift the spirits of those lucky enough to be in her presence.

Nobody could deny the girl radiated warmth to everyone around her. To many, she was the epitome of what perfection should be in a person.

The people in Azalea's town would often find an excuse to engage in small talk with her about the simplest things anytime they saw her around, claiming their small conversations with the girl provided a boost of energy to them due to her radiance.

While Azalea Rose embodied the ideal qualities of kindness, compassion, and happiness in the eyes of many, she didn't find the warmest reception among her peers, especially among those her age.

They often harbored a subtle envy towards Azalea, perceiving her life as effortlessly perfect. She had everything anyone could wish for living in District 4.

A Perfect father, who loved her deeply, helped in the academy to train young children, as well as mentor them once they were placed in the games.

A perfect house in the Victors Village, which was considered the safest area in the District, in which she comfortably lived her whole life without having had to enter the deadly area.

No need to worry ever about money, food or survival, much unlike everyone else who struggled on the daily around her.

The only hardship anyone could ever put to Azalea's name was the loss of her mother when she was born. Yet this hardship went largely unnoticed by most, except for her father and Mags. From what her father had told her, no one in the district knew much of her mother as she didn't have any remaining family when she passed.

This detail of her often went overlooked or misunderstood, which fueled the misconception that her life had always been perfect.

However, the pinnacle of envy rested on her blossoming close friendship with Finnick Odair.

The current celebrity status he possessed not only in district 4 but in the Capitol as a new Victor, was an allure that captivated the hearts of many, especially the girls.

Finnick was not only handsome, but much like Azalea, the boy had a magnetic charisma to anyone he spoke with.

Yet the enigmatic air that surrounded him was like a magnetic force drawing admiration and fascination, making him an object of desire for many.

It had all the girls obsessed trying to find a way to gain his attention.

The fact that he was not only close to Azalea but also shared a genuine friendship with her only intensified the envy among the girls in the district, who yearned for a connection as special as the one he shared with Azalea.

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