Thats My Friends!

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The inmates were let out into the yard to get some fresh air. Some people lifted weights while others ran laps.

Velvet and Veneer just sat against a brick wall. Veneer wanted to talk to her about all that happened but every time he tried it just spiraled into arguments.

Velvet crossed her arms and didn't make eye contact. Veneer sat next to her sadly and crossed his arms as well.

"Hey! Remember me!" It was the red head again, looming over them. She sat down in between the two.

"Hi..uhh..." Veneer never really remember fans names. "Moxie?"

Roxie chucked. "No I'm Roxie, Moxie is my older sister. She raised me. She said she would bail me out but we aren't rich like you guys. Hey how come you haven't been bailed out yet?"

"Our parents want to teach us a lesson about not doing crime and what not. It's stupid." Velvet grumbled.

"Well maybe some of us need that lesson since some of us seem to feel no remorse for committing crimes!" Veneer snapped back at her.

Roxie started to look as if she regretted sitting in-between them. "You guys argue a lot more than on stage." She said.

"Well we didn't...until now." Veneer said sadly, looking down. Roxie put her hand on his shoulder.

"Hey don't worry about it. Siblings are supposed to argue, it's honestly worse if you don't!" Roxie said. "It's hard coded into us siblings to fight, so we can be even closer afterwards!"

"Yeah I guess that's true." Veneer said. Velvet would argue with him all the time but he hardly ever fought her on anything until now. Maybe this just meant they were repairing their relationship and becoming better siblings.

Roxie hooked both the siblings into her arms, taking them both by surprise.

"You know what's funny, I was supposed to go to meet and greet with you guys but I couldn't because I was here. Who would have guessed you guys would end up here too!" Roxie said like it was a good thing they were in juvie.

Velvet brushed Roxie's arm off of her.

"I know you probably don't remember fans but my friend's have all met you guys. You know Kid Ritz right? The guy on the news? He's my best friend." Roxie said squeezing Veneer in her arm.

"Yeah he interviewed us a couple of times." Veneer replied. Veneer thought that must be why Roxie didn't seem to be as starstruck as most of the prisoners, who were too nervous to talk to them. She already knew famous people.

"And our other freinds met you too! At the meet and greet, I told them to tell you I was a fan but couldn't go." Roxie said. She pulled out her phone and showed a picture of her friends at the meet and greet.

Veneer vaguely remembered them. Two girls, one with purple hair and one with black hair. Purple hair was wearing an animal print tube top and low rise jeans. Black hair was dressed very emo.

"Yeah I remember them. They mentioned you, said you were in jail for being a good freind." Veneer said. Roxie beamed.

"Yep that's my friends!"

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now