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The gang was just chilling at Roxie's house after a sleepover. Veneer, Violet and Ritz were playing video games. Brook and Ash were watching them play. Velvet and Roxie were on the couch scrolling social media.

"I can't believe the unverified me on every social media platform!" Velvet complained.

"Maybe it's because you're a criminal. Just a wild guess." Said Roxie.

"I'm not a criminal I did like one crime." Velvet said.

"That's funny because I remember you being sentenced for more than one crime." Roxie said.

"Roxie shut u-" Velvet started.

"Guys you know how we planned that whole Friendsgiving thing?" Said Ash interrupted.

"Yeah what about it?" Violet said.

"We forgot about Halloween. It's today." Said Ash. Everyone froze.

"Sh#t! We must have been so busy with the show we forgot!" Kid Ritz said.

"Well what are we gonna be? We gotta do a group costume, and go to that Halloween party they always throw." Violet said.

"Let's go to the mall and look at costumes!" Veneer said. They all got up and walked towards the car.

"Ash can I drive?" Brook asked.

"Nope you're banned." Ash said as she started the car. Brook slumped down in the passengers seat.

They pulled up to the mall without hitting Crimp this time. As they walked around they tried to figure out what to dress up as.

"We could do angels and devils!" Brook said.

"Nah too basic and we'd all be devils anyways." Said Ash. Brook shrugged and nodded in agreement.

"Wait where is our new assistant shouldn't she be helping us?" Said Violet.

"She's doing our taxes." Said Velvet.

"Oh you guys pay those now?" Asked Roxie.

"No." Velvet and Veneer said.

"Guys we could do mean girls! Brook could be Karen because she's an idiot, Velvet is Regina because she's mean as hell, Roxie is Cady because...ginger!" Said Kid Ritz.

Veneer remembered watching that movie with Roxie in jail. He didn't like being reminded of jail all that much but at least it was a good part of jail.

"Wait good idea. I'll be Janice because emo." Said Ash.

"Ok cool Violet or Veneer should be Gretchen." Said Roxie.

"Can I be her please please please." Said Veneer.

"I wanna be Velvet- I mean Regina's love interest." Said Violet. Velvet raised her eyebrow at Violet.

"Ok I guess I'm the gay freind." Kid Ritz said.

"You won't even need a costume." Ash joked.

"I don't feel like looking for the costumes hold on!" Velvet said pulling out her phone and dialing furiously.

"Crimp get us costumes for tomorrow!" Velvet yelled into the phone. "What do you mean you need to know what we want to be! Figure it out!...Fine I'll send you pictures. Just get it done!"

"Dang you're really not going to go easy on her for her first week?" Roxie asked.

"Look you gals clearly don't know about assistants so." Said Veneer. "You don't have to be nice because you are the boss and you can do what you what."

Veneer makes friends in jailWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt