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*ignore any silly little edits I made to the friends names :)*

Velvet continued to shove Veneer away the whole day. Every time he tried to get a word in she would walk off.

At lunch Velvet sat next to Roxie instead of Veneer which she never does. Even Roxie was confused.

"Hey Velvet..." Roxie said awkwardly. Velvet grumbled in response. Roxie turned back around to Veneer and her smile turned to a frown.

"What?" He said.

"You look sad." Roxie replied.

"We're in Juvie of course I'm sad." Veneer stated.

Roxie just frowned again. "No something's definitely wrong." Veneer quickly tried to get her off the subject.

"So tell me about your friends that I met that one time!" Veneer said nervously.

Roxie perked up. She pulled up a photo of her, Kid Ritz and their other two friends.

"The pink haired one is Brooklyn but we just call her Brook and the emo one is Ashley but we just call her Ash. The purples haired one is Violet shes huge fan of you and your sister. Pretty sure you took a picture with her Velvet." Roxie whipped around to show Velvet the picture of her and Violet.

"Oh yeah. She was screaming really loud. In my ear." Velvet rolled her eyes.

"Yeah she screams a lot. Anyways-" Roxie started before she saw a prisoner across the room with matches. "I'll be right back." She ran off in the direction of the matches.

"What a pyromaniac." Velvet said as Roxie ran off.

"So Velvet you said we could talk about it tomorrow and it's tomorrow so..." Veneer started.

"Why are you being so pushy Veneer?" Velvet glared at him.

"Well you've been ignoring me all day..." Veneer tried to talk.

"Look. I'm trying to just forget everything that happened and play nice in prison until I can get out and NEVER see your traitorous little face again."  Velvet loomed over him.

Veneer felt tears welling up in his eyes. "You mean you never want to see me again after we get out? Velvet we only have each other-"

"No you have Roxie your little replacement sister! You betrayed me, so yeah I don't wanna see you again!" Velvet shouted at him.

Veneer ran off from the table and into a secluded corner. He started sobbing and curled up into a little ball. He couldn't believe Velvet was really going to leave him after they got out of prison.

Roxie ran over to him. "Hey Velvet told me you ran off. I knew something was wrong, what's up?" Roxie put her hand on his shoulder and crouched down.

Veneer wrapped his arms around Roxie and sobbed. She wrapped her arms around him as well.

"Velvet said she didn't want to see me again after we get out. She just gonna leave me-" Veneer blubbered.

"She didn't mean it, she's all bark no bite." Roxie replied.

"Yeah you're right I'm being dramatic maybe she was just having a bad day-" Veneer started.

"Everyday is a bad day with that one. You need to stand up for yourself. I've seen you do it I know you can." She put her hand on his cheek. Veneer nodded.

Roxie gave him a hug again.

"Question, do you have friends other than Velvet?" Roxie randomly asked.

"No, I mean we played with people as kids but never really made any connections." Veneer replied.

"Oh really?" Roxie said shocked.

"Yeah I think people were sort of intimidated by her." Veneer motioned towards his sister.

"Well I'm not intimidated! I'll be your friend! If you want to be friends..." Roxie said enthusiastically.

"Yeah!" Veneer replied. He never really had a close friend before, and was excited by the prospect.

Roxie squealed and squeezed him.

"Yay! This is gonna be so fun! Minus the fact we're in Juvie."

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now