Who's That Skeleton?

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Nightmare:"Something weird happens, right?"

Error look at Nightmare with suprise.

Error:"Wait...You're also had the same thing?!"

Nightmare:"Yes...I rip his body to half, from his body and legs. But then, he regenerate...or as long i can say...his body, become one again. But then the real things, start to happen. He pull out a bonesaw inside of his clothes and ripped one of my tentacles and arm. But the real weird thing is...i can't regenerate my arm or tentacles. After a five minute or something, i can't move anymore. He beated me. I was so angry. I still don't have any idea, why i can't regenerate my body like, i want. The only thing make me unable to regenerate and kill is positive energy. But that guy...he is like found a way to make me unable to regenerate. If he still goes, i might actually die."

Error:"Some weird things happen to me as well. As i said, i able to hit his shoulder, also the weird things you said happen to me as well. I can't able to see like, i want. I mean, i can see with my glasses, so i open a portal to Anti-void and get it but i still can't. And the most weird thing is, when he hit me, i feel like almost die."

Nightmare:"So he makes you blind that even your glasses don't work for it but when your HP is randomly change to different numbers, he able to finish you off with a single attack."

Error:"Yes. And i can say, that was not luck. If it was luck, Ink also can kill me, like that easily. He's doing some sort of things to we can't have our advantages as your regeneration and negativity power as well."

Nightmare:"Well...i can't say, that's not true. I can't even feel the negative energies, after what i did to him. However, the only thing i know is, he has a robot, or he had a robot. He said to me;"You destroyed my creation, now i destroy you into your pieces until, you learn about not mess with people creation.". It was the all thing he said to me."

Error:"So you don't know about him, much more than that after your battle."

Nightmare:"Yeah. The only thing i can say is he has or had a robot, he defeat me in a fight, i can't use my advantages such as regeneration and negativity. After that, i never seen him once again."

Error:"Well, thanks for the information you said. I need to meet with Ink now. He might found something more."



Nightmare:"Found about anything, it can help us. If someone like make that unable to use our advantages and powers, that guy is a huge problem."

Error:"...Sure...i'll found anything, possible."

Nightmare:"If you need others help as well, i can tell them to help you."

Error:"Ink is already enough for help. Also, i don't trust them all. Maybe Horror is a exception but still."

Nightmare:"Okay, then... Good luck with your case, Error."

Error:"Thanks, i guess?..."

Error left the Nightmare castle and enter the anti-void again.

-Informations found by Ink-

Ink entered the Omega Timeline to find something about The Watcher. After a little bit walking around, he seens Core.

Ink:"Hey Core!"

As Ink, shout out their name, Core turned around.

Core:"Hm? Oh, hey Ink. It's been a while, you're here. How is the protection of the AU's going?"

Ink:"It's really nice, until Error actually about to kill me. However, a "Sans" save me from get killed by Error. And i never seen him in my life, but a few minutes ago."

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