Gloria: And old friend is visiting. Victor's already on his way to the station. So quit causing deforestation and move yer asses. We don't want to show a bad impression to y/n now do we?

Zacian: No mam.

Zamazenta: Their coming to Galar eh? It's been awhile since we last fought. Hehe can't wait to go couple rounds with that Torracat again.

—-y/n's pov——————————————————

Y/N: Wait so what does Zeraora have again?

Victor: It's not schizophrenia ya dumb fuck. It's a multiple personality disorder.

Y/N: Well I feel like a dumb ass.

Victor: This is why ya gotta know ya shit mate. She ain't imagining things yet. Even so, that one helluva beast ya got. Good to see ya both have gotten along with each-other.

Y/N: Yeah. God I feel like such a dynamic dumbass for calling her schizophrenic.

Victor: No worries mate. Some of us make that mistake from time to time.

Gloria: Oi! Numb nuts!

Y/N: Oh hey Gloria. How have you been?

Gloria: Where's she at?

Incineroar emerges from behind you and stand tall. Victor shutters slightly while Gloria stares into her eyes, almost like if they were having a mental battle.

Incineroar: Gloria.

Gloria: Torracat. Or should I start calling ya Incineroar?

Incineroar: Heh. The only one in this planet that truly stands up to me.

Gloria: Heard ya wanted to fight the dogs again. They've been training every day relentless since ya came by Galar when ya were to get mate.

Incineroar: Hehe that fucken tone you use. Is that so? Then that gives me even more of a reason to push myself today.

Victor: Of course that's if they want to fight you Incineroar.

Gloria: Their gonna fight her alright bro. And that yellow looking cat back there.

Victor: Zeraora?

Gloria: Yeah him.

Victor: Her.

Gloria: Her.

Y/N: I see that your still the same old Gloria.

Along with your friends from Galar, you walk to their house from the train station after a long flight. At the top of the stairs you could see familiar faces and some new ones for Zeraora.

Zacian: y/n. It's been awhile.

Zamazenta: So you really did grow into a badass didn't you Incineroar.

Y/N: Hey guys.

Incineroar: Yeah I kinda did.

Zamazenta: What's with the bandages on your body?

Incineroar: Recently won a fight I almost lost. Which is why I pulled y/n on this little trip to train with you guys.

Zacian: Hmm...

Zamazenta: Really? With that much damage on your body? You gotta be kidding me.

Y/N: She's not.

Gloria: Oh I completely forgot. The cat also wants to fight ya both.

The two Pokémon look behind y/n. They notice Zeraora's fighting spirit behind her excitement. Zamazenta smirks while Zacian smiles.

Victor: Um Gloria, why don't we let them fight in the forest while we tend to our guest.

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