"Whenever you show up, you destroy everything around you, and then you use your powers to kill people." Her hands clenched tighter in anger.

Aika had now turned around, facing Tobiichi, leaning on her elbows, which were resting on the metal railing.

"So you think I'm a monster who kills people?"

Tobiichi didn't respond, just holding her glare.

"Then why are you still alive?"

Her eyes widened in shock, and she opened her mouth to answer, but there was nothing she could think of—no reason why the spirit wouldn't have killed her yesterday.

"If I was this murderous monster like you think I am, then wouldn't you, your comrades, and everyone in this school be dead?"

Tobiichi's thoughts were racing; she was trying to find something—anything—that could clear up this reason, but it didn't make sense. After all, she attacked Aika, and Aika chose to let her live instead of killing her right then and there. As far as she was aware, any spirit would have killed her then and there.

"sigh, look, I don't know why you hate spirits so much, and I don't expect you to tell me, but I don't want to fight you, even if you look amazing while doing it."

She waited a few moments, wanting to hear what Tobiichi would say, but she was stuck in her own mind, conflicting ideas and thoughts racing around her head. Aika let out a sigh and walked past her, heading down the stairs to the roof and going to the cafeteria to get lunch.

"Aika-san, what did you talk to Tobiichi-san about?" Mai questioned her as soon as she sat down.

"Yes Aika-sama, please tell us."

"It's private and not my place to speak about. Also, why did you add sama to the end, Mii-chan?"

"With your new purple hair, you look like a goddess. So I had to address you like a goddess."

"Rrriiiiggghhtt." Mii had always been a little eccentric, and Aika still wasn't used to it.

"So, Ai, are the four of us going for ice cream after school?"

"Yeah, but you don't have to put up an act, you can be yourself around us."

"Huh, an act?" Mai asked.

"Did something happen?" Mii added.

Ai looked at Aika, asking for approval to tell them what happened, but Aika shook her head.

"I'll explain it."

The two girls looked at her, hints of worry in their eyes.

"...yesterday, I was rejected."


"What!? Who could reject Aika-sama!?"

"Quite down Mii-chan! But honestly, so much happened yesterday that I'm still kind of sorting my thoughts."

"Wait, what else happened?" Ai asked.

"Oh I screwed this up. How am I going to explain spirits, the AST, the way Itsuka-kun acted, and Tobiichi-san without revealing any of that?" She thought before deciding to just push it back to later.

"Sorry, I'm still not sure how to explain it, let me take a bit to sort it out in my head."

"Alright, just let us know if something bad is going on."

"Yep, we'll help out!"

"Thanks guys, but that's enough of that, I'm starving. Did you buy me a melon bread Ai?"

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