circumbinary orbit

Start from the beginning

Hadou shines too. A little differently from Mirio, but bright and scintillating nonetheless. With her beaming smile, her clear eyes on him like a spotlight, he should feel uncomfortable, but Hadou's attention doesn't make his stomach churn anymore. It just makes him warm. He's grateful for her friendship.

"What," he finally says, when she continues smiling at him.

"You shine too," she replies. "Did you know that?"

Tamaki opens his mouth to respond, but before he can she's using his shoulder as leverage to push herself to her feet, calling for Eri's attention with her glowing smile.

If Mirio is the Sun, Hadou is a star.

That doesn't mean she's any less bright. She's a sun in her own right. She might not be the center of Tamaki's entire solar system the way Mirio is, but she has just as much gravitational pull. She's just more distant. She hasn't been around for as long or as significantly as Mirio has, but Tamaki admires how she shines anyway.

Hadou has always been one of his friendlier classmates. She has a special knack for taking every single inch you give, which made Tamaki very nervous in the beginning, until he realized that she served almost as a perfect counterpoint to him. Whenever Tamaki was uneasy and reserved, hanging back, Hadou was there to reach out, to take the step towards him in his place. She didn't know boundaries or comprehend his anxiety, and somehow that made her perfectly primed for friendship with him. Where other people might politely respect his discomfort, she powered through it.

Though now he doesn't know when it happened that they became so close . Was it before or after she'd told him that they were gaining the attention of the school as the strongest in their class? Had they been given the "Big 3" title yet? Have they been hanging out since their first year? He still doesn't understand what he possibly could have done to draw the interest of one of the brightest people in the school, not when he is the way he is. But regardless, it's somehow happened that her presence at his side, or rather him at hers, is almost as predictable as Tamaki at Mirio's.

Relationships have a funny way of changing on you before you can notice it even happening, Tamaki thinks.

Just like his relationship with Mirio. He's not sure when that changed either. One day they were just two kids playing tag on the playground and the next day they were making out on Tamaki's bed when his parents weren't home. Some things change suddenly, dramatically, and leave life completely different in their wake, like Mirio losing his quirk, or like meeting Mirio in the first place. But these strange, important relationships in Tamaki's life have never been like that.

Some days he wonders if Hadou's gravitational pull is dragging him in just as Mirio's did. It's not just that she's been a steadfast friend for the past few years. It is that, too, but Hadou is a lot. She's so much. Slowly, she's become a part of Tamaki's life in a way that he didn't expect but has come to rely on. He admires her. He enjoys spending time with her. He likes her.

But sometimes she has a way of finding Tamaki's weak spots and tearing them wide open.

Nights the three of them aren't with Eri, they're usually at a table tucked into the corner of 3-A's dorm lounge. It's secluded enough that they can get some homework done, and Tamaki appreciates the spot for how infrequently other people turn their attention on him. Of course, that might have something to do with how Mirio's broad shoulders block him from the view of most of the room, and how anyone in their right mind would probably want to look at Hadou rather than him, anyway.

Tamaki feels safe here. Usually. But Hadou's been on a roll recently and—

"Hey, Toogata," Hadou says. "Have you ever been with a girl before?"

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