Chapter 34: Orcish Accommodations

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"The stranger came," the archer said, looking over his shoulder at Jace. "He beat her."

"Ahh, the stranger," Carrak said this loudly, so his voice carried to Jace. The mage had been ignoring this large orc on purpose. He had initially assumed Jace had challenged Orgalph's leadership and killed him. But if he had defeated this mysterious woman who had killed three of his best orcs, that was equally impressive. "You come to my kingdom seeking an alliance?"

"I see no kingdom," Jace replied. "I see an orc in a hole in a mountain. I see potential, but no kingdom yet."

The archer and shaman were smart enough to understand a conflict was brewing and wanted nothing to do with it. They scampered around their leader and into the cavern behind him. Carrak just laughed. "Bold you are, standing out in the cold all by yourself. I have a legion of orcs behind me and the power of a demon at my fingertips."

"Orcs that couldn't defeat a little girl," Jace continued his taunts, receiving a sharp elbow from Esther, "and a demon trapped under a pile of rocks. I come bearing true power." He had allowed Esther to pick the level 50 crystal from him earlier, and now she handed it back to him behind their backs. This allowed Jace to pull it out in the open without going into his inventory. He raised it high with his free left hand so it caught the last light of the setting sun. It seemed to explode with energy, taking in the sunlight, reflecting it internally 50 times, and then bursting like a supernova.

Jace forced himself not to squint at the light, but the guards before him cowered in fear, and even Carrak winced at the display. It didn't last long as the sun finally disappeared over the jagged horizon, but it had done its job.

"Impressive," Carrak finally responded when he had regained his composure. "But if you have such power, why come with peace talks? That is not the orc way. Only the strong survive."

"That short-sided attitude is why the humans and elves always win," Jace replied. "Surely, with your demonic Wisdom, you know that. My forces to the northwest of here are strong and could easily defeat your pathetic band, but what would that gain me? I would lose fighters and spread out my forces. And if I ignore your growing enterprise," Jace paused, hoping he wasn't laying it on too thick, "we would eventually find ourselves fighting over the same territory. At that time, we would be too powerful to yield to each other. Now is the time for us to work out where we stand."

Carrak was unprepared to deal with this encounter, and Gandhi had to work overtime to adjust to Jace's improvisation. The PC thought he saw the mage initiate magic, likely to dispel any disguise Jace might be using, but there wasn't one. He was an orc. Instead, Carrak was forced to play along. "Very well, I will hear what you have to say. Is it true what my scout has said? Did that woman kill my orcs?"

Jace nodded. "She caught them by surprise, but I subdued her and took her weapons. With her hands secured, she is no threat to you. I didn't kill her because it wasn't my place."

"No, and a good thing too. It would have drawn too much attention, though I have difficulty believing she came from the village below."

Jace could tell Gandhi was trying to poke any hole she could at Jace's trickery, keeping the orc chief on edge. But he wasn't wrong either. The people of Crestfall had ruddy complexions and brown or blonde hair. With Esther's black hair, pale skin, and exotic dress, she didn't fit in. Still, her unique appearance played well into the mysterious abilities that allowed her to kill Orgalph. Jace said nothing and allowed that mystery to remain.

"Very well," Carrak finally said. "You may enter my realm. Is your wolf tame?"

"She is," Jace replied, walking forward over the bridge and up the steps. "She will stay by my side and not cause you any problems."

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