Skyfall - Adele

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14th November 1922 10:01 am
The raspy cool breath filled Ophelias lungs. She watched as the two men were engulfed into the dark smog of Birmingham. She felt so hollow yet her mind was overflowing with numerous thoughts. She questioned the universe and it's choices.

Everything felt so real. So real. She looked up at the lightening sky, clouds threatened an outburst of rain. Silence was there as the birds had left for the cold months.

'Eh right, I've eh put yer stuff in a bag, found it up in the shed.' The distant voice of Charlie made her jump, she sat straight in her chair. His voice crescendoed as he became closer and closer to her.

'I suppose your free to leave whenever. If your wondering the nearest train station is jus' down the road,' he stated, bringing himself beside her. He handed her her bag of stuff. The bag that contained her phone. Something that would completely amaze the people of this time.

Ophelia stood up slowly, her legs felt so weak, they shook to an uncontrollable rhythm. She brought her eyes to Charlie's. 'Thank you,' she took the bag slowly and took a wobble of a step back.

She tucked a strand of her gold hair behind her ear and attempted to throw him a kind smile. She received a quick smile in return. Charlie tipped his head in fairwell and that was it. He wandered away back to his work, not another thought on him.

Ophelia swerved her body in a quick manner and began walking briskly in the direction the other two men just had. She gaped at the old building and equipment surrounding the area, nearly admiring them. Admiring the years of wear from the work.

Her head was banging with no remorse, she felt so cold yet a hot sweat coated her body. As if a fever had entered her drowsy body.

As she strode to the exit of the yard, her body flailed, her legs weak, like she was a baby deer, lost. Lost in this unknown world.

She arrived at the exit and took a swift look around, not knowing what to do next. On her front was a long brick wall shielding whatever was behind. To her left and right was gravely roads, imprinted with horse hooves and the rare tracks of a car. She crossed her arms and hunched herself in.

Her eye got caught on a pole containing a sign. It pointed to the left and read 'train station'. She stood there with a pensive look on her face. She bit her lip in thought.

She could just hop on a train to Camden Town, arrive at the meadow, and she would be back home in 2023. Somehow, she'd be back in 2023.

But there was still that instinct to stay here. There was so much to figure out. New layers to this problem kept emerging. She had just met the Shelby's. The note that she had received in 2023 was signed off my 'Shelby Company Ltd.'

Maybe this was her chance to complete her life long dream, but the question was, was she capable? She may have to stay all the way to September, that was the date on the note.

Unbeknownst to herself she had began walking left to the train station. That was all that she knew to do. The only certain thing.

As she walked on down the street, terraced houses began to appear more and more frequently, the town of Birmingham emerging ever so slightly. The smell of grey smoke entered her nose, making her cough. She caught site of men, prints of bruised coal sitting on their faces. Days of hard work could be seen in their eyes.
She frowned at the sight of people getting sick at the side of the street. Drunk homeless men stumbled around attempting to catch their balance.
Women could be seen walking briskly on the street, some with vintage push chairs carrying their young children. Young boys kicked a mangled football around, young girls played with their battered dolls.

Mine All Mine ~ Tommy ShelbyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя