Get Back - The Beatles

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13th November 2023 2:14 pm

'We're here, 50 pound,'

Ophelia was suddenly knocked out of her dreamy trance. The whole time in the car she was engulfed in her own head. Thinking. Who was the Shelby Company Ltd.? She was contemplating over this ravenous thought.

'50 pounds, really?' She furrowed her eyebrows in wonder and judgement but she couldn't let this weigh her down. 'Jesus Christ then, here you go.'

She opened her purse and threw him up a 50 pound note. It didn't matter to her anyways. Maybe he was the saviour who brought him here. Well he did bring her here anyways.

She exited the taxi and let the fresh meadow air seep deep through her body and bones. She stared at the meadow that stood before her in awe.

Ophelia gazed upon the lush green meadow, captivated by its serene tranquility. The soft breeze rustled through her hair as she contemplated the beauty that unfolds before her. At the end of the meadow, a peaceful canal sat there. She felt the urge that that was where she needed to be.

She stepped onto the soft grass and appreciated the scene that surrounded her. Even though it was November, the day that was brought to her was full of sun even if the cold was nipping her face.

Ophelia walked gracefully towards the canal, each step resonating with the peaceful rhythm of the meadow. Her mind, a sanctuary of tranquility, reflected on the serene atmosphere surrounding her. As she neared the water's edge, the quiet symphony of nature enveloped her, and she found comfort in the harmonious beauty of the meadow and the calm waters of the canal.

This is where she needed to be. This is where she experienced solitude. Maybe this beautiful relaxing atmosphere would help her discover who the Shelbys were.

She compassionately took the weight of her feet and let herself bask into this tranquility so she'd have time to think and consider. She had all the time in the world. She was 25 and she knew she had found her purpose. This was it. This work. Maybe a historian?

She grinned at herself as she thought of her Father when he found out she had finally proven herself. She begged that he would be ecstatic with her. She desired for his acceptance. She gathered that he loved her. Of course he did, but he never showed her respect. She was just there to him, just another person.

She let herself flail back into the luscious grass and just let herself be in that moment. She was lingering for the moment of light, where she would suddenly know why she was here.

She didn't know what she expected to fly to her head but there was such a strong emotion filling her. She couldn't place where or what it was but it was thoroughly present.

She lay there for an hour, mulling over different ideas of the Shelby Company. Thinking of her Father and thinking of her future that has yet to come.


Suddenly, raindrops poured vigorously from the Heavens above. Ophelia jolted up from the green meadow that surrounded her. She must've fallen asleep while her brain was racing.

Her heart skipped a beat. What about the document she got. If that was damaged....

She hastily dug her hand into her brown leather jackets pocket, a flush of relief washed over Ophelias entire body as she felt the paper at her finger tips . If she lost that, that might've been the end of her.

A cool shiver struck her as she became aware of the pelting rain that surrounded her.

She rose to her feet, she regarded the canal stream racing before her brown eyes. She checked the time on her phone. 5:46 Pm.

The day had already closed in and night had engulfed England. Fuck, she thought to herself. I have to get back the document.

She was just a moment away from turning herself around, abruptly, she felt someone's hands claw around her thin neck.

She was seconds away from screaming, the unknown being jolted her back and whispered into her ear in a gritty voice 'it's mine'.

Before a word could be uttered back she was falling. The person had thrown her into the canal. She swerved her head back and caught a glimpse of two red, tight, demonic leather gloves.

She clenched her eyes bracing for the sharp impact of the freezing water.

Instantaneously, images started flashing in her head. She could just about see them through the furious flashing. An icy blue eye, an old detailed door handle, the barrel of a gun. She could hear helpless screaming, maybe her own, and a ringing gun shot. She could smell the scent of smoke and the slight metallic smell of blood.

All at once she could feel a sudden thud of hitting something solid. In an instant she was knocked out and unconscious....

Mine All Mine ~ Tommy ShelbyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat