Red Right Hand - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

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14th November 1922 8:42 am
Ophelia stared up in awe at this blue eyed man peering above her. His eyes burned into hers, his hand still lightly placed on her neck.

Her breathing was heavy from the overwhelming amount of information. There was an aching silence in the yard, Thomas Shelby still awaiting an answer.

Ophelias mind was working tirelessly attempting to put a pin on who this man was. Did he save the Solomon family fortune? This couldn't be a coincidence. She had just received the paper from Shelby Company Ltd. to Alfie Solomons hours ago in 2023. Now, she's in 1923 being interrogated by a Shelby man.

A daunting feeling set it's place into Ophelia. Could this mean she had to stay her. Could this be the sign that this is the resolution, this is where she'd have to find her answer. Did the universe pull her here for a reason?

She gaped in Thomas's eyes, he cooly looked down back down at her. 'Are you telling the truth, ms Anderson?' He asked not letting out an ounce of emotion.

She opened her mouth, her tongue was dry. 'Yes, I am,' she replied weakly. She wanted to get this over and done with so she could concentrate on her thoughts.

He dug deep into her eyes, analysing this answer he just received. Ophelia could see the cogs in his brain turning, trying to identify if this answer was true.

He slowly let his hand contract from her neck signifying he believed that she was not lying about herself. He took a step back, his blue eyes still burning deeply into his skins.

He let his gaze go and took a short stride over to his brother, John. John stood there, a cheeky smile residing on his face. Ophelia could recognise that he was laid back. Definitely more that the man that had just intensely stared down at her.

The men began to speak, but Ophelia could not understand. She felt a lump rise high into her throat. They were speaking an unknown language. Ophelia tried desperately to recognise what they were saying but, nothing. She just needed time to file through her numerous thoughts that diseased her mind. She begged them with silent eyes to let her go.

'Ame mekas la te žal o Iovano, amborim jekh kurvi.' Tommy stated casually to John.

'Ame pušaras la pervo.' John said back to him raising his eyebrows.

Ophelia watched this conversation of confusion unfold. She felt helpless in this rotten situation. She turned her head around, looking for Charlie. Even if she was alone, he was the only sense of comfort that she had here.

'Are you a whore?'

Ophelia jolted around quickly. The deep voice brought her out of her head. 'What?' She returned. What did he mean. She felt a burning anger boil deep inside.

'Are you a whore?' Tommy looked at her distantly. He was direct.

'No.' She retorted, a side of offence was joined with her voice. She just wanted to escape, away from this stupidity.

John took two short paces to bring himself online with Tommy. 'Then what are you?' He asked, he slid her a questioning look.

Ophelias mind was to overloaded. She felt like throwing up everywhere, she felt like hitting her head off the ground. Tears burned aggressively at her brown eyes.

'I-,' her words got caught up in her mouth, the next word that would come out would be accompanied by hot tears. She didn't want to emit weakness to these men.

Tommy looked at her, a look she couldn't recognise. Was it pity? Annoyance? He blinked slowly, carefully choosing his next words. Could he sense her distress?

'John, I think we should let this woman go. She seems innocent,' he said, slightly apprehensively, mostly with authority.

John raised his eyebrows in disbelief, he wore a confused face. 'What the fuck? Are you alright? Are you unwell?'

Ophelia sat there helplessly and the wooden chair. The cold began to sweep in, stabbing her sharply with its frozen blade. She prayed that they'd hurry up.

'Are you questioning my decision, John?' Remarked Tommy. He looked at him distantly, waiting for his response.

John rubbed the nape of his neck, mouth open. 'No! No, jus' didn't ever hear such kindness from you before,' he shot him a bold look.

'Not kindness brother. Just my verdict.' Tommy gave him a side ways look and turned his body to Ophelia.

Ophelia squirmed slightly under his look.

'Right, Ms Anderson. We'll let you go. But we have eyes all over Birmingham, so if your not telling the truth. I'll find out very fast,' he announced to her. He stared at her intensely.

Ophelia bit her lip, urging that the tears would stay in. 'Thank you, Mr Shelby,' she whispered in a soft voice.

Tommy looked at her curiously, he turned to John. 'Right, we have business to do. C'mon,'

He swerved back to Ophelia and gave her one more look. She couldn't dissect this look. Did he know something?

John tapped his arm lightly to get his attention. He gestured his head, telling him it was time to go. Tommy listened and began pacing quickly through the old yard. John followed him, just a short pace behind him.

One final glance from Tommy. Ophelia suddenly felt a gut feeling in her stomach. A feeling that she had to stay. That this was her answer. She sensed her own shaky breathing, her hearts swift beat. She felt aware of her surroundings, aware of 1922.

Authors Note
Im so so so so sorry this took so long to come out. I just got so busy all of a sudden but I'm back. Also a short chapter in along space of time, I know I know. But we live.

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