Let's get down to business

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"And, then comes the-"

"The empress!"

A child's giggle echoed through the room, toys and comics spread at every corner of it. In the middle sat a man and a girl, both holding up figurines, laughing every now and then at the ridiculous made-up stories.

"Yes!" Her father agreed, holding the toy that was playing the bad guy in the play.

"Then, she saves the people!" His daughter continued, waving around the figurine in her hand.

"Of course, she does!" He laughed at her cheery tone. "She saved them all! Because-"

"Because she's me," the younger girl grins, staring up at her father.

"Yep, she's my daughter."


In the dark of the night (evil will find her-), four figures swiftly jumped from one building to the other. Each was quick, making sure to be silent.

Finally, they stopped at the edge of a rooftop. And, just as they did...

Mikey shrieked.

"Mikey! What's wro--!?"



He screeched even louder, trying to pull his feet away in horror. Once he did, he took off running, as though the thing was after. Except, the thing had just climbed up, the other three turtles staring at her dumbfounded.

"I hate this," Raph groaned.

After much chasing and assuring, they'd finally gotten the orange-masked turtle to stop.

"Well, Y/N," Leo was the first to speak up after everyone had calmed down-- well, it was just Mikey. "As Sensei ordered, you'll be on patrol duty with us from now on."

"Yes, sir, I am aware and I am prepared," Y/N replied, trying to fight back a wide grin. She eagerly nodded, tapping her foot repeatedly. Her gaze was-- filled with stars it seemed, since Leo was having a hard time looking into her eyes.

"Great- so..."

The blue-masked turtle paused, deeply... concerned. Master Splinter hadn't just given him the responsibility of the new girl but, his brothers too, were to take part in helping--- teaching her. And, looking around, his brothers were- well...

Raphael hated the girl. He stared at her. A look of utter rage and who knows what else swirled around in his eyes. Despite his blank face, it still seemed that if he could hit Y/N in the face with a grocery bag, he wouldn't hold back.

Donatello was--- Leo glanced at his purple-masked brother who, merely smiled at the girl-- yep, he was fine. If anything, he'd do just fine as a mentor.

Michaelangelo, on the other hand, was probably more than eager to teach her new things. Although, his brother doubted just how much or what exactly he could teach the girl.

Either way, it was better the Raph's attitude towards Y/N, which probably showed that his first test for her would be to jump off this very buildi---

Leo quickly shook his head, dismissing the worrying thoughts. It wasn't just up to his brothers, he too, had to play his part.

"Alright then," he nodded, putting his hands on his hips. "Sensei said your dad taught you some things already."

"Yes, sir," Y/N affirmed, nodding as she spoke to him like he was the leader, which he is- it just doesn't feel like that. Either way, he was trying real hard not to squeal.

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