18- Forgive me

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Lily ran to open the door, without having time to take off her apron, and was speechless when she found herself facing a Rose bathed in tears.

"Rose! What happened?"

"I can go in?" Rose sobbed.

"Sure," Lily moved aside to make way for her and closed the door behind her. "Go into the living room and get comfortable, James is not there."

Rose obeyed and sat on the couch, still crying. Lily sat next to her, growing worried, and took her hands.

"Rose, honey, what's going on?"

Between sobs, Rose told her friend everything that had happened between Severus and her, and told her about the prophecy, trying to remember it as faithfully as possible. Lily listened without interrupting, and when Rose finished, she hugged her tightly.

"I wanted to... let you know," Rose sobbed, "because... you match... with the prophecy."

"Calm down, Rose. It's just the ravings of a crazy witch. We don't even know if those predictions really come true."

"It is true!" Rose insisted. "That... seer, fortune teller or whatever was in a trance when—"

"Now, stop crying," Lily wiped her friend's face, "and don't worry about anything, James and I will be fine. As for... him, you will never see him again, you will forget him, and everything will be as before."

Rose shook her head. That wasn't going to be so easy.

"Can I stay the night?" she asked, looking at her friend with pleading eyes.

"Of course you do. I hope you don't mind sleeping in the baby's room."

"You know I don't "Rose had stopped crying and was smiling weakly. Lily smiled too and handed her friend a bowl of chocolates.

"Do you want one? Since I got pregnant, I can't stop eating them."

"Chocolate? Doesn't that make you fat?"

"Yes, and it is also good for high blood pressure, cravings... to improve mood..."

Rose took the hint and began to unwrap one of the sweets, while Lily tried to make her smile.

Shortly after, the two women were talking animatedly, as if nothing had happened.

And yet, Rose's eyes were still sad.


Severus closed the door to his house and leaned against the wood, letting out a deep sigh.

Then, without warning, a great feeling of rage, hatred, fury and disappointment filled him inside, and Severus unloaded all of that against the furniture in his living room, destroying everything in his path.

He threw the paintings, destroyed curtains, tore the wallpaper, overturned the tables, chairs and cabinets, breaking the dishes, and finally, he fell to the floor, letting out a wild scream of rage and pain.

But what had he done? He had sent to hell the only good thing that had ever happened to him! He had insulted, humiliated and hurt in the vilest way, to the only woman he had ever loved, the one he had been searching for two years, the one with whom he had hoped to share a normal life. How could he have been such an idiot?

Severus was crying, but he knew that was no use, because what he had done was beyond repair. With bitterness, he remembered the events that had occurred a few hours before.

The night before, Severus had appeared before his Lord, after the meeting with Dumbledore, and could not hide his nervousness as he suspected that he had been followed and spied on.

The snake and the lion (Severus x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon