I scan the rest of the suite, walking in to the bedroom section. It was decorated in deep browns, warm amber's, and rich gold's and had various greens added to the mix. It reflected the island completely. The flat screen t.v advertised the attractions and activities found on Isla Nublar. None of which I will be attending.

"Will this suffice?" I almost jump before turning back to the doorway where Zara stands with her hands folded. Suffice? This room could fit a whole family of four; this room was more than enough, not that I'd tell her that.

"Its fine," I answer, placing my backpack on the overly large California King bed beside my luggage which was shipped here separately. Resting on the pillows was a folded letter. I wait for the faint click of the shutting door before I reach for it. Sliding my finger along the seal, I rip it open. It's typed, I notice. Way to make it personal, dad.

Dearest Marella,

I hope that Isla Nublar welcomed you with open arms as you made your first impression of Jurassic World. I am disappointed that I could not greet you myself, but I shall meet you in the Innovation Center around noon were I will introduce you to Ms. Dearing and give you the V.I.P. tour of the park. Later, we can talk over dinner. Until then all of my love.


After reading, I emotionlessly throw the letter back on the bed and check the time on my phone: 11: 46. I was to suppose to meet Zara, Zach and Gray in the lobby before heading out. I emptied out the contents of my backpack and check equipment. I pull out a smaller bag to carry around the island and fill it with my tools: my tablet, portable charger, flash drive and chords. I also pack the essentials: hand sanitizer, tissues, pocket knife, money and water. I slide the microchip that held the computer virus in between my phone and my case, and place it in the small pocket of the book bag. There was no way I was going to risk losing it.

Once we all meet at the lobby, we climb into another train and ride the monorail to Main Street. I glance below us at all of the people lined up to see the Mosasurus Feeding Show. I could faintly see its large dark shadow under the water as it swam. Parents held their fidgeting kids over the edge so that they could get a closer look. From a distance, it looked as if it were a simple marine exhibit, and that the murky water didn't hold a giant, carnivorous reptile with the cells of a used to be extinct race.

I lean in, trying to get a better look at the mesmerizing giant until wavy blonde locks block my view. Gray.

"Woah! Look, look, Zach! " from the brief meeting, I had realized that Gray has a bit of an obsession with the dinosaurs. He was practically an expert. Smiling, I let him lean against me to get a better view of the park. To my surprise, the park was actually beautiful and very appealing, but I couldn't help but feel the nagging feeling of guilt. Gray was so happy to be here and experience the adventure that came with Jurassic Park. The park and all of its inhabitance almost seemed forbidden. Even for the adults there was an underlining excitement.

Zach barely made an effort to look away from his phone. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Gray's eyes waver, but only for a brief second. Not wanting to see the kid sad, I stepped in. "Do you know what the species of that dinosaur is?"

"Yeah, totally," he says quickly, just happy that someone finally asked him a question relating to his favorite topic. "It's a Mosasurus. Did you know that it has a bite force of over thirteen thousand pounds? And, and that the largest Mosasurus was over fifty-nine feet long!"

I let out a laugh, "No I did not know. You're a natural authority on these animals, aren't you?" Smiling widely, he nods and slowly eases back into his seat, eyes glued on the window.

"You don't have to pretend to care, you know..." Zach mumbled, still on his phone. I rolled my eyes. After spending most of the ride on his phone, now he decides to pay attention.

"And you don't always have to be so mean, you know," I fire back. "You really don't want to be here, do you? Neither do I, yet I'm not acting like a total douche bag about it." Zach was really getting on my nerves. He didn't seem to care about his own little brother's feelings. "You could at least get off your phone and talk to Gray...."

"Oh, so that's what's bothering you." He finally looks up from his phone. "You wanna know why I'm on my phone? I'm texting my girlfriend," he said smirking. I huff. Like I care.

"Glad to know you've got your priories straight," I mumble.


The Innovation Center was large and set up like a museum. I remember reading that it held 100 attractions including the Hammond Creation Lab, a.k.a. my destination. The exhibit let visitors get 'up close and personal' with the real lab. It held all of the dinosaur embryos, not to mention their incubation chambers which were controlled from the control center hidden somewhere on the island. This also means it's able to be hacked. I started to grin quietly to myself.

"Glad to see me?"

I looked up and into the now familiar brown eyes. "I'm never glad to see you, Zach," I comment, looking at anything but him.

"Oh come on admit it. You find me attractive." He leans against the table in front of me, grinning and showing off his pearly whites. Fine, I'll play his little game.

I leaned in real close, as if I was about to kiss him. "Fine," I fake purr, letting my hand graze his chest, "I find you attractive." I smile when I see his eyes widen. Seed planted. I lower my voice, trying to sound sexy. "I'd even find you sexy," I paused for effect, leaning away. "But sadly, you're taken," I shrug.

That wiped the smirk right off his face, only to appear on mine. He narrows his eyes at me as if to say 'game on.' Maybe this trip could be sort of fun.

Illusion ➵ Zach MitchellWhere stories live. Discover now