1- Return to Hogwarts

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This story was written before the publication of The Deathly Hallows, and was originally published on the defunct Potterfics page. Many of the events do not follow the canon of the books.

This is an original story written by me, originally with the name of "La serpiente y el león", it was also translated by me. English is not my original language, so please forgive any spelling or grammar mistakes.

Severus Snape had just arrived at the gates of King's Cross station, accompanied by his parents.

His father, Tobias Snape, who was in a very bad mood, mumbled that he was staying in the car and ordered his wife to hurry back. He didn't even bother to say goodbye to his son. Severus didn't pay any attention to him, he took his trunk and placed it on one of the station carts. His mother came to help him, but he refused.

"I'll take it, mom, I don't want you to get hurt."

"But it doesn't hurt anymore-" Eileen protested weakly, but Severus knew that her arm, broken "accidentally" a few days ago, could not support the weight of the cart, and he remained firm in his position, offering an arm to his mother.

Severus entered the station in a very bad mood, accompanied by his mother.

His parents had quarreled that morning, and the reason for the dispute had been his return to Hogwarts. Tobias, who was a muggle, wanted his son to stop all this magic nonsense, while Eileen did not agree.

Severus, who knew that his father hated magic, was on his mother's side, and even more so because he knew that all of his father's boasting was pure hypocrisy, because if his parents had not yet divorced, it was because Tobias depended on the paltry salary that Eileen brought home.

Severus and his mother approached the barrier of the platform nine and three quarters, passing a family surrounded by trunks like theirs. Severus recognized the Evans as soon as he saw their youngest daughter, Lily, who was in the same year as him, but in the Gryffindor house, and he tried to quicken his pace so that she would not see him.

A couple of years ago, Severus had insulted Lily, calling her a "mudblood" in front of a bunch of people, after she tried to get James Potter to stop humiliating him. Severus had done it to try to save his pride, but since then she had not spoken to him and looked at him with disdain.

Until that incident, Severus had not had any problems with Lily. She was nice, she was always kind and helped people, and most importantly, she had never laughed at him. She probably would have forgiven him if Severus had apologized, but he had never had the courage to do so, and never would.

He noticed that next to Lily was Rosalind Benson, her best friend, talking calmly with Mr. and Mrs. Evans. Rose couldn't be more different from Lily: she had black hair and eyes, and she was much more serious than the redhead, whose green eyes always seemed to laugh. Severus did not want to speak to Rosalind either, and surreptitiously pressed the platform barrier with his stroller.

Eileen took his arm and walked with him to platform nine and three quarters. As soon as he entered, Severus saw the person he least wanted to see: James Potter.

Severus deeply hated James, because in addition to being his biggest enemy and constantly harassing him, he was popular, had a lot of friends, played Quidditch very well and... had normal parents.

Severus took advantage of the fact that James was distracted talking to Mr. and Mrs. Potter to get as far away from him as possible and headed towards the end of the train. He looked for an empty compartment, left his trunk and went down to say goodbye to his mother.

"Have a good time, son," Eileen tried to smile, staring at him. "And be careful."

"You too," Severus had the impression that he was the only student who was going to give his mother advice. "Don't let him boss you around, mom," he said, referring to Tobias. "If he starts doing the same thing again... if he threatens you or... anything, send me an owl and I'll come to you and beat his face off."

The snake and the lion (Severus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now