Not myself

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"Such a weakling"
"Yea! Can't even stand his gound" i just cry
"Awww the baby's gonna cry, you need me to bring a pacifier?" They laugh hysterically, fucking psychos. i put my ears down
"J-just l-leave me be" they roll their eyes.
"Mom is gonna be here in a few anyways, we gotta make sure she doesn't see those scars, let me help you get up and get this over with."
I wanted to say something but instead they just ignored me and pulled me up
I yelped and fell back on the ground, holding my arm.
"Did we beat you up that bad?"
"Weak" they just grabbed my arms and pulled me to the bathroom, all i could do is scream in terror, the pain, its too much
"We didn't even pack a proper punch on your arm"
"Since when did you start wearing bandages?" I escaped from their grasp and started running
"W- GET BACK HERE!" i just keep running, don't look back, all you need to do is-
"AGH" i got pinned on the ground and started to panic, i bit, fought, kicked, but in the end they managed to remove my bandages
"What the fuck" the other just stared in shock.
"We need to tell mom about this"
"I guess thats what we deserve then, did you see his arm?!?!"
"S-so many cuts!"
"If we leave it he might die! We need to
help him"
"Wait wh- WOA YOU GOOD? OPEN YOUR EYES! One of them said in a paniced voice
I heard one storm off
"FOXY PLEASE WAKE UP! FOXY!" everything went black

End flashback

"A-aye do..." Its too late, they know... all i can do is look down as i calm myself
"How long have you been cutting?"
"F-four days?"
"YOUR SKIN IS ALMOST RUINED!" i lower my ears, i look up to see Mike expression, ive never seen this much anger in Mike before, he is always calm and composed, maybe sometimes he snaps but goes right back to being calm! Chica... she was just frozen in place... not only did i hurt myself but also my closest friends...
"Please promise me you won't do that again!" i stay silent and quietly nod
"Chica make sure to check on his arms everyday, if he as simple as hesitates to show you call me!" i guess i can't be trusted anymore... maybe its for the better?
"Ok... got it" her voice shook
"We'll leave you alone for today Foxy, get some rest please" i nod and lay in my bed, then i see them leave and close the door. As soon as i heard their footsteps becoming more distant i begin crying. Im such an idiot! Why would i do this to myself?!?! I notice the Freddy plushy in the corner and grab it in an embrace. W-why do i still care? He hurt me, he damaged me, HE BROKE ME!
so why? I need rest but i'll sure as hell won't just fall asleep, so i
And cry...
And cry more...
until i passed out...

Bonnie pov
"He did WHAT?!" I saw Chica struggle for words
"I... can't believe it..." i just wanted to cry, Foxy cutting his arm?!?! Its just horrible to hear! I just wish i was there for him, i just wish i wasn't such a coward, i just wish i didn't leave him
"Get some rest, you have taken enough care of him Chica, im confident you made his day before......" i gulp
"Lets just not think about it for today?" Chica nods
"Get rest yourself Bonnie" i turn around with a blush as i nod
"w-will do" i turn back and see Chica leave... im done, as scared as i am he is my friend, i don't care if he hurts me or not, i need to be there, for him!

Four days ago (19/11/1987)

"You deserve all of this, i hate you" he spit on me... h-he s-spit on m-me? I cry again. Why is Freddy like that? H-he almost broke my arm, stabbed me with my hook and put bruises all over my body.
"Im done wasting my time on you" he left... he just left me here... weak, beaten up, scared, ALONE...

I limp towards the bathroom, i get a cloth, turn on the sink and clean up my fur, i made sure to not put much water, its just enough to clean me up. I look at myself in the mirror... Where is... me? where have i gone? The happy, joyful Foxy? Where did i go? Im just a mess, a bloody mess... i cover my stomach with bandages to stop the stab wound from bleeding further. I clean up all the blood and dirt, but the more i clean it, the more of a mess i become... i feel like giving up, just ending it all... i look down at my hook...

"T-this is it? W-what i n-need to d-do to b-be free f-from this hellhole?"
I hold the hook near my neck, being able to slash myself at any moment but.... i just couldn't leave just like that... my friends... now family, i didn't have the heart to abandon them. I put the hook away from my neck and just look at my arms... the hook laying there ready to stab... a horrible thought ran over me... what if i... i put pressure on the hook making it stab my arm... w-why didn't i-it hurt...? heck... it even felt nice for a second... i kinda want more, i stab myself again, and again... i want more, and more, more, more

Blood flew everywhere, it just feels so good... i looked up at the mirror again... at myself... at what is happening... w-what am i d-doing...? I quickly cover my hand in bandages, i look back in the mirror with tears in my eyes...
What have i become?

End flashback

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