Chapter 31: Past vs Present

Start from the beginning

Zane: She's right, We've changed a lot of things so The only possible way to save our future without making further changes is for Kai to find his fire.

Jay: But, what are you trying to say, Zane?

Zane: I'm saying we have to give Kai his motivation back. We have to kidnap Nya and deliver her into the hands of the Skeleton.

Anna: I'm not sure about this, (Sighs.) What do you say, Kai, she's your sister after all.

Kai: (Sighs) If that's what it takes. Okay, but if it's alright with you guys, I've got an idea of how I could talk some sense into myself.

Jay: Yeah, only you can. (Kai shot a glare at Jay.) Hehe sorry.

Cole: We'll carry out the plan tonight.

Anna: I  have something to do, the rest of you stick to the plan I'll meet you afterward.


(At night the past Anna is getting in a black gi and ready to leave as she leaves the room the present Anna jumps down and search cabinets and drawers.)

Anna: Where is it? (She finds Her magic medallion and opens it to find a folded picture inside.) I better take this out before giving it to Gramadon. (She leaves the scene, When the past her enters back the room.)

Past Anna: Huh?  

(Sticking to the plan the ninja, except Kai sneaks into Nya's room. After they approach her bed, they stop.)

Cole: Time to play our parts. (Anna quickly meets them on the roof and Cole hands them Skeleton masks.)

Zane: We'll have to act quickly while Kai is keeping himself busy.

(Both Kais are in the bathroom. Present Kai takes off the mirror and copies his Past self's movements.)

Past Kai: Huh? (He blows on the "mirror" and tries to clean it.)

Kai: Hey, dummy!

Past Kai: Aah!

Kai: Yeah, I'm talking to you.

Past Kai: Me?

Kai: Would you get your head on straight and start listening to Sensei? The fate of the world kind of rests on it.

Past Kai: Huh?

(The others now have Nya.)

Nya: (Now in a bag) Unhand me, Skeletons!

Jay: Oh, I'm sorry, Nya.

Nya: How'd you know my name? 

Anna: Jay, shush!

Nya: Oh, when my brother finds out about this, you'll be sorry!

Cole: Actually, he'll be quite relieved.

Zane: (Spotting their past selves) Huh, guys, we've got company.

Jay: Uh, isn't that, uh, us?

Cole: Better lower our masks so they don't recognize us.

(Jay  and Anna are fighting on the ground while Cole and Zane are on the roof.) 

Cole: Let's not hurt ourselves, boys. I'd hate to leave a mark

(Zane puts his shuriken and uses bricks from the roof instead. Anna, fighting her younger self tried her best not to hurt her she recognized back then she was smaller.)

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