Doppelganger (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Jimin: Its okay, I had that in mind and I brought with me snacks and water.

Taehyung: Dude, why are you suddenly so amazing and nice?!!!

Jimin: You are my friends, of course I'd help.

Taehyung: Huh?....Friends...?

SeokJin: Woaaahhh!!! That's a sudden
scary change!!!

Jimin: Anyways, the food and water I have will never be enough for the upcoming times. So we'll have to start looking for food and water here.

Namjoon: Understood

Y/N: Um...Mr. Park, Y-

Jimin: Jimin. We're not really in a situation for you to call Mr. Park.
So Just Jimin.

Y/N: Uh...yeah...You said earlier the was a monster chasing you...Is that why you were running? And what monster?

Jimin: Yeah, that's why I was running.
And that monster is my doppelganger.

Yoongi: Your doppelganger is after you??!!! Did you look into his eyes??!!!

Jimin: No I just saw him standing far away, and when I saw that he looked exactly like me, I panicked, and I ran, he heard my running so he chased.
He kept yelling "I'll Kill you" to me over and over.

Why he is so determined to kill me? I have no idea.

Y/N: Well...we learn from this, that our doppelgangers want us dead. For what reason? No idea... We MUST be extra carful...

Jungkook: I know you said they're evil and everything...but...They'll want to kill us once they meet us us?!

Yoongi: They definitely sensed the gate opening! Adding to that, each doppelganger feels his human body!
So our doppelgangers know that we're here!! And they'll target us!!

Jimin: ....Why would they target us?

Yoongi: I told you all before!! Your doppelganger is YOU!!! It's either YOU or HIM!! Not to mention that, just like you said, those creatures have been trying their best to pass to our world!!!
If they kill us, they'll take our bodies and live in them, thus, coming to OUR world and Living OUR lives in our place while we are DEAD!!!!

Taehyung: We must make sure we don't die then. According to what you said, MY doppelganger will target ME, only ME. So it's not really dangerous if I interact with any other doppelganger. Right?

Jimin: There is still a high risk in that.

Y/N: I agree. We do need to interact to get information, but, we mustn't interact alone. we travel in at least group of 2. And we definitely aviod our respective doppelgangers.

SeokJin: This leaves the question of how are we going to distinguish ourselves to each other. I mean, if I leave this room now, how will you guys know it's really me when I'm back? How will you know it's not my

Y/N: They don't wear watches.

Hoseok: How do you know about that?

Y/N: Have'nt you noticed the insane amount of wall clocks on the walls?
There are at least 3 clocks in every corridor and every room. Why would they put this amount of clocks on walls if they can simply wear watches? They don't wear any.

Jungkook: Still, we can't assume that without evident, we must take care.

Y/N: Even if they wear watches, the time on their watches won't be like ours. We can distinguish each other through the time.

Yoongi: ...

Namjoon: That's actually a smart move That will definitely work.

Hoseok: Speaking of watches, Jimin!!
You're wearing the watch me & Taehyung gave you on your 16 birthday?? Dude!! I really thought you threw that away!!

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