Chapter 2: Into the Heart of Darkness

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When consciousness returned, Zoey found herself in the heart of an unexplored jungle atop the forbidden mountain. The eerie stillness was broken only by the distant sounds of unknown creatures. Fear gripped her, urging her to run, and run she did.

With each step, the jungle transformed into a nightmarish maze. Every turn brought a jump-scare, and Zoey's desperation grew. She ran until exhaustion overcame her, and she found herself standing at the edge of the mountain, staring into the abyss below.

Driven by primal fear, she leaped, only to find herself back at the precipice. A nightmarish loop had trapped her, a cycle of terror from which there seemed no escape.

In the perpetual darkness, Zoey was seized by an unseen force. Panic surged as a monstrous figure restrained her. As her eyes adjusted, the creature's form became clear—an immense, hairy being named Clay, a gargon.

CLAY I mean you no harm. I am cursed, and my people need your help.

Through terrified whispers, Clay unraveled the tale of a witch's curse that had transformed his kin into gargons, trapping them in perpetual darkness. He implored Zoey to aid him in breaking the curse.

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