Bad feelings

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(Three days later)

(Izuku pov)

The beginning of the next week was quite mundane as classes went on as usual but on one day i was feeling a bit off, I couldn't understand why but i had this nagging feeling in my gut so i decided to take my costume to school with me on that day.

I met with Shin as soon as i got to school and we began to chat while we waited for homeroom to start. "So Shin how are your preperations for the sports festival coming along ?" He looked at me and seemed to be confused "What do you mean ?" He asked with a puzzled expression. "I mean your training, You have been training right ?" He just looked down and i had my answer.

I patted him on the shoulder and told him "Listen you need more than one trick if you want to get into the Hero course, Those guys in 1-A and 1-B train constantly on their bodies and if you're not doing the same you will be at a disadvantage" Shin looked thoughtful for the moment but then nodded.

"You think you can help me with that ??" He asked, I was a bit flattered but in just over two weeks there's not much that can be done. It takes time to build up muscle and learn how to fight and unfortunately time's almost up so he's in for a hard fight against the Hero Course. "I can help you work on your speed and maybe a few fighting techniques, We can also get you on a training program to build you up a bit" I then went silent and Shin seemed to notice the look on my face "But ?" He said almost sensing my next words. "But with so little time there's not much we can do to make you physically stronger, so we can also work on your Quirk".

"Huh what do you mean ?" He asked confused. "Well the moment someone figures out how you activate your Quirk the element of surprise is gone so we need a back up plan" I said as in the time i've known Shin he explained how his Quirk worked and i had an idea of how he could still use it if someone knew not to speak.

I got a very cheeky grin on my face "Hehehehehe yeah that'll work just fine" I said as i schemed a plan for him to use. "Err you're kind of freaking me out with how you're acting" I looked over and saw Shin was sweating a bit so i dropped my grin and then thought of new ways for him to get people to talk.

(After school)

I was out on the sports field with Shin, We were wearing our gym clothes and i wanted to try out some of the things i'd thought of earlier so i asked him to Brainwash me. "Are you ready" He asked as we stood across from eachother "Ye.........s go right ahead" Shin then looked really surprised. "Well are you going to do it or what ?" He just kept staring at me like something was wrong. "Earth to Shin, You in there buddy ?" I said waving my hand. "How ?" He asked me as now it was my turn to be confused.

" do you mean ?" I asked, He then just shook his head before speaking "I just tried twice and even though it worked it only did so for about a second" My mind raced but almost instantly came up with a possible reason why. "Well My brain functions faster than everyone else's so maybe that's why ?" I questioned, Shin nodded and i then knew that the testing would have to be done during the festival itself as we couldn't tip our hand to anyone else by asking them to help with training.

"Well that was a bust" Shin said in a defeated tone as his shoulders slumped a bit. "Hey now don't give up yet, We might not be able to test it properly but we still have a plan" I said as i tried to cheer him up. "Yeah and what's that ?" I smirked a bit and that seemed to freak Shin out a bit before i spoke again. "Your secret weapon will be shock and surprise !!" I announced before going closer to him and telling him all the details of what he needed to do to practice for the Festival.


Shin had gone home a little while ago and i was just about to do the same when i got this strange feeling in my gut, I felt fear and i wondered why as i was in no danger at that time. The feeling was kind of pulling me or that's how it felt so i got my costume on that was in my locker and then went to follow where it was leading me.

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