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Lunch is a great time, right?

That's what I think too. During lunch, I can admire the view outside the window and sit in place in complete silence. My classmates went to the cafeteria, apparently to experience the delights of a full-fledged school life. I don't have any pleasant memories associated with such places, although, of course, everything here is far from the same as in my past.

There are very few people left in the classroom, a couple of girls from the front desks who are talking enthusiastically about something with each other right now, another guy from the other corner of the class is just sitting at his desk and sharpening a pencil for some reason, although he did not use it before. There is another girl, she is sitting right in front of me, but her gaze is directed in the other direction.

She herself is sitting in the direction of the teaching podium, but is clearly passionate about something else. Even from this position, I can see that she is reading something. It looks like a book. Of the thirty-nine people, only she reads something in this free time. I guess that's not an encouraging statistic.

It's been a few days since the start of my new school life, but I still haven't settled in. They say it's pretty easy to get used to in the modern society of teenagers, but I still haven't talked to anyone. It's not that I can't speak, it's just that it turned out to be more difficult than it seemed. Although, when, for example, the guys from my class communicate with each other, I probably only understand half of what is said. In the case of girls, I don't understand anything at all.

I don't know, they say it's easier for people of their own gender and age to communicate with people of the appropriate parameters, but I'm probably an exception. Perhaps I could try to talk to this girl if I found out what she was reading there? Well, talking about a book is also a conversation.

I was about to explode from my seat, but suddenly I thought that it was probably pointless and immediately sat back down. It's one thing if she reads something that I once read, but it's quite another if this book is not familiar to me. In this case, the dialogue may become less constructive, if I even manage to say anything to her about this book. Moreover, progress does not stand still in any area of life, so new books are constantly being written, published and printed, after which people buy them and read them. With some degree of probability, the book that this girl is reading may turn out to be one of these newfangled modern light novels that for some reason have become popular in recent years, that even I have learned about them.

– It's hopeless....

I went into all sorts of trouble and didn't know what to do now. Yes, I can contemplate the birds outside the window, but I've been doing this every lesson for the last few days, I don't even need a lunch break for this. I obviously screwed up from the very beginning. I should have just given out my email address or phone number to everyone on the first day, then maybe everything would be different now.

– Excuse me? Did you say something?

– Hm?

Suddenly, this girl turned in my direction, distracted from reading a book. It seems that my suffering attracted her attention, and she heard me muttering to myself about the hopelessness of this world. I don't know if she'll understand it if I explain it. Although does it make sense to involve her in something like this? Even if the world is hopeless, there are those who don't think so.

– I was just thinking about life. I'm sorry if that distracted you from reading.

– Oh, it's okay. Compared to how loud it can be here when everyone else is in class, you don't bother me at all.

After I nodded back, she returned to her book. I was glad to know that I was not interfering with her enjoyment of her time, but I also managed to understand something just now. I spoke up. I mean, I talked to someone other than myself and the readers in my monologues. Before that, I didn't have the moral strength to start a conversation or develop a topic, but now everything turned out differently. I just managed to answer her, and she calmly answered me. It was amazing.

If it's that simple... should I try again? Although, of course, it's also not good to bother a person constantly, but this is only the second time.

– Hey..?

– Hm?

My call made her turn around again. She looked at me with a questioning look, where no negative emotions were hidden. It seems that I did not stand on her bad side, which is already encouraging. I must continue in this spirit, and then I will be able to spend three years in this school in peace and tranquility.

– May I ask what you're reading?

– This is Necessary things, thriller, mystery, detective story.

Her answer also wasn't steeped in anything negative about me, just the usual answer to the question, as it should be. Is this really school life? If it's that simple, I can live with it. There have been moments like this in the White Room too, so everything should be fine.

– Stephen King, am I right?

– Mm? Have you read this?

– In the last year, I decided to devote some time to more modern novels.

Her movements spoke for themselves, she sat down on the chair a little more comfortably, after which she turned her body almost completely towards me. Her small fingers curled lightly and patiently on the back of the chair.

– Do you read often?

With each new answer I gave, she started talking a little faster. Her soft purple eyes sparkled with interest in our conversation. She seems to be really interested in books, more than anything right now.

– Quite often. I used to have to read quite often, it was my only occupation.

The times in the White Room could only be brightened up by books and the suffering of other children. Which of these is preferable, everyone decides for himself. I was more interested in books, especially detective novels, it was interesting. Although, I must admit that in my early years I often read picture books that people seem to call fairy tales. After all, it was also my way of seeing the world through books and pictures.

– And now?

– I started reading a little less often, but still devote time to it. Books are too interesting and diverse to give up on them.

– That's how it is.

The corners of her lips turned up slightly. She seems to be somewhat satisfied with my answer, perhaps even happy. The softness of her gaze seemed alluring to me, like nectar and pollen to a bee. It's surprisingly cool to see someone smile and be interested in me. It's not the same when the instructor is interested in your abilities and development. Well, I hope so.

– I managed to form some opinion about our class, but it seems that it was too hasty. It seemed to me that books were not suitable for anyone here, and no one was interested in them. Some of the girls I asked about it even said that reading kills the brain.

Is this the first time I've heard something like this? I am sure that when reading, a person can really get tired morally and psychologically, but the brain is unlikely to be killed. It sounds more like a fiction. This is probably possible only if you read over and over and over again, without replenishing your stomach with food and water, without being distracted by other factors of life. Eventually, the brain will be killed by dehydration, starvation, a rapidly developing disease or something else. If a person stops breathing, death will probably occur much earlier.

– My name is Ayanokoji. Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, if that's important.

I introduced myself now. It wouldn't be nice if we continued to communicate, but she wouldn't know my name. Of course, I saw a sign with her name on it, but as the Internet-Sensei instructed me, the dialogue should be two-way.

– Oh, yes, it's important. I am Shiina Hiyori. It's nice to know you, Ayanokoji-kun.

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