Twenty two

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Once you have made it to the shoreline, find a comfortable place to sit your bag of mangos down beside you, and take a moment to enjoy the warmth of the sun.

As you were about to stand up from your moment of rest, you caught sight of something in the corner of your eye.

You looked over and saw a faint glimmer in the sand nearby. Walking towards the source, you discover something red embedded in the sand.

A ruby was revealed as you brushed away the sand. You couldn't help but smile at your discovery.

"Nami! Come're!" You called out.

"What's going on?" She rushed over to you.

"Look what I found!" You say while holding up your treasure.

"Wow! Look at this beauty." She said.

"Here." You say, trying to hand it to her.

"Really? You want me to have it?" She asked, a bit surprised.

"Yeah." You say.

She made a move to grab it, but then changed her mind at the last second.

"You keep it." She says.

"But I thought you like finding jewels." You say.

"Without a doubt, I do. But it's your first buried treasure. It's all yours."

Even though you paused briefly, you smiled anyway. "Okay, thanks Nami."

"And you said you found it in the sand?" She asked.

"Yeah, right around here." You say.

"Alright, thanks." Nami says she combed the sand to find precious gems.

In a matter of seconds, you heard her let out a shriek of excitement.


"I could stay here forever." You watched the waves gently washing across the shore.

"It is beautiful here." Says Carrot. "Sometimes it's nice to just relax and enjoy the scenery."

"Yeah, but even better..." You got up from your spot and made your way back to the Sunny. You searched your bag and retrieved the camera you bought on your last supply run.

You returned to the beach and sat next to Carrot and took your picture of the perfect view.

"That's a keeper." You say with a smile.

"Let's take one together." Carrot encourages.

You faced the camera towards you moved closer to Carrot, and took the photo. "You have such a pretty smile, Carrot."

"So do you." She smiles.

You lifted your eyes from the camera and witnessed the boys playfully wrestling on the other side of the beach.

With the day winding down, a new bonfire was set up. Brook was sitting in one of the beach chairs, strumming his guitar and filling the air with melodic tunes.

Laughter filled the air as Sanji served up various drinks and mouthwatering sweets he had prepared for the evening.

You grabbed some Dango off the platter and made your way back towards the fire. "Hey Usopp, I grabbed you one."

"Oh, thanks." He says.

You sat beside him and enjoyed the treat together.

"Soo...Sniper King?" You say starting up a conversation.

"Oh, right that. Eh, well...I don't think you'd want to hear about that."

You scoot closer and rest your cheek in your palm like a child getting ready to hear a bedtime story.

Usopp chuckled at your actions but ultimately gave in. "Alright, alright."

"The glorious hero, Sniper King, from the Island of Snipers. He was brave, strong, cunning, and not bad with the ladies, I might add." He joked at the last part.

"Oh, I bet." You joked along.

"Sniper King is a guy who laughs in the face of danger. In one swift attack, he can incapacitate multiple foes and shield those who are defenseless. He's...brave."

There was a brief pause.

"But it's been some time since anyone seen him last. He can be a bit of a loose cannon."

"Well, seems like Sniper King has a bit of competition then." You smirked.

Usopp nervously laughed and scratched the back of his head. "Well, even so...let's not tell anyone, mostly Luffy, it could be bad for my reputation."

"Well, we wouldn't want that." You smiled.

You locked eyes with Usopp, witnessing the twinkle in his gaze when he glanced back at you.

Usopp felt a surge of butterflies in his stomach when he saw the way you smiled at him. He couldn't help but mirror your smile.

"I-it might get a little cold." Usopp finally found his voice. "I'm gonna grab you a blanket."

As soon as Usopp returned, he wasted no time wrapping a soft blanket around your shoulders, shielding you from the chill.

The soft crackling of the fire and the melodic notes of Brook's music filled the air, lulling you into a peaceful state.

As you watched the others enjoy the night, a soft smile spread across your face.

You seek comfort by resting your weary head on Usopp's shoulder as you look up at the stars.

"So beautiful." You mumble sleepily.

Usopp directs his gaze towards you and grins.


Peaches || An Usopp x Black!(Self-insert)Reader One Piece FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now