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The sea breeze brushed passed your face as you were sitting on top of a barrel playing with your slingshot while Chopper was sitting next to you studying some herbs. You grabbed another pebble from your pocket and shot at the target that you placed on the mast.

"That's five." You mumbled to yourself as you kept track on a little slip of paper. That's when you got a little bold and grabbed a buckshot this time. "Let's see if I can hit a bullseye." You fired your slingshot but then the buckshot ricocheted off the mast and hit you in the face.

"Bitch!" You cried out in pain as you fell off the barrel. 

Chopper shot up and ran towards you. "(y/n)! Let me see!"

You removed your hand from the side of your forehead showing a small lump forming. "You poor thing. Don't worry, it can be fixed." He grabs your hand and leads you towards his office.

"What the Hell happened?" Asked Zoro as he and Luffy walked in.

"(y/n), hit her head." Chopper says while grabbing some medicine.

Zoro crouched down and took your face into his hands. "That's one Hell of a lump, Are you okay little sister?"

"My head is killing me." You say truthfully your eyes still watery from the impact.

"What happened, we heard someone yell." Nami says as the others piled in.

"I had an accident." You say.

"Oh Dear." Robin says.

"How the Hell did ya do that?!" Franky.

"Do you have a concussion, little one?!" Brook.

"I wanna see! I wanna see!" Luffy says

"Let me see!" Usopp crouches down to look at your injury.

"Usopp I'm oka-"

"You idiot! She could've given herself a concussion! Why would you give her a slingshot!" Sanji knocks Usopp upside the head.

"She asked for one!" Usopp retorts.

"You weren't watching her?!"

"She's a big girl, it's not that serious." Zoro chimes in.

"I didn't ask you!"

"Knock it off you two!" Nami comes in between the two.

"Everyone out! You're upsetting my patient!" Chopper speaks up while shooing everyone out of the room.

"But I didn't do anything this time." Luffy whines while leaving.

Chopper lets out a puff of air while walking towards you. "Here's some medicine for your bruise, and let's put an ice pack on that so the swelling can go down." He puts the salve on your bump and hands you an ice pack.

"Thank you Chopper." You say while holding the ice pack.

"You should be more careful, you could've given yourself a concussion." He gently scolds you.

"I'll try to be more careful, just for you." You boop his nose.

He lets out a tiny giggle before going back into his bag. "I'm going to give you some pills for your headache, try to rest for at least an hour so it can work."

After taking the medicine you decided to go lay in your bed for a little while.

"Would you like anything?" You heard Robin's voice and you sat up.

Peaches || An Usopp x Black!(Self-insert)Reader One Piece FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now