Chapter 19

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Y/n's POV:

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Y/n's POV:

6 months after the accident I'm basically back to normal. I'm still not fond of riding in a car. The driver of the accident was drunk and with the rain he wasn't able to stop and slammed into our car. It's a good think he died in the accident I'm pretty sure Yoongi would have tortured him for the rest of his life. Not that I would blame him. I mean the man almost killed me and our son.

Sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee as I watch our son crawl around on the floor chasing one of his toys.

"Now this is the best view in the world." Yoongi's voice rings out.

I don't look away from our son, "It really is."

He chuckles, "Not just him."

I look towards him when he sits next to me, draping his arm behind me.


"Seeing the two of you in the living room both home, healthy and happy."

I lean back into his chest and we both watch our son play.

"This is an amazing feeling."

"It is." He drops a kiss to the top of my head.

After a while Yoongi's phone goes off and he leaves us to go talk to Hobi. I notice the time and see that it is time for little man to eat. I pick up Cody and he pitches a fit about being taken away from his toys. I pick up his favorite and then set him in the high chair.

I cut him up some fruit and veggies and let him eat away. I sit at the counter next to him.

A few moments later Yoongi comes storming out of his office. He walks up to Cody places a soft kiss on his head.

"Bye buddy." He whispers.

Then turns his attention to me, capturing my lips with his.

"I love you, but I have to go."

"What's going on?"

"Just something I need to take care of quickly."


"Okay. Hopefully its nothing to serious."

"I won't be long."

I nod my head and he my forehead and heads out of the apartment. Once I know that Yoongi will have gone far enough to not come back.

I look at Cody, "Your daddy is hiding something from us."

I grab my phone and call Hyunjin.

"What's up boss lady?"


"Sorry. I thought you and Yoongi were taking some family time before the wedding and your mini honeymoon."

"We were but he got a call from Hobi and then left."

"Maybe something came up."

"Hyunjin. I know when something is bothering him. It has to be pretty bad like when shit was going down with my father."

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