Chapter 18

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Y/n's POV:

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Y/n's POV:

"Y/n, what is this?"

"Exactly what it says it is."

"But how? Why?"

"This is what your parents would have gotten."

"What the fuck did you just do?" My father growls again.

"Righting a wrong that you caused all those years ago."

"Cho is going to have fun with you when I get him back."

"Speaking of Cho." I turn to look at the other shareholders, "I know most of you how my family runs this business so if there are any weak stomachs here I suggest you leave the room."

No one makes a move. I nod my head to Hyunjin and Felix. They open the door and Minho and Binnie come walking in carrying a very dead Cho.

The drop him at my father's feet, "Is this the Cho you were looking for?"

"Who killed him?"

I smirk, "Who do you think?"

"There's no way you did. I doubt your half-witted brother did it. He's dying in a hospital bed as we speak."

"I just left him, and he was sitting up and talking."

"I sent someone to take him out."

I smirk again, "You're getting old father. You're tricks are all the same. I knew you would try to hurt me. Make me 'weak' by taking out my brother. Zio is alive and well. Somewhere you can't touch him."

"So was this a coup planned by my daughter or did you all help her."

"I'm not like you. I don't need a puppeteer. I have run a very successful business since I left, and that business left me with more than enough capital to buy shares in this lovely company run by you and Cho. I bought enough to make me the new majority shareholder."

"There is no way you were able to buy enough. I made sure that you weren't gifted enough."

I smirk, "See you pissed off the wrong people."

"Who gave you their shares?"

"I did." My uncle says as he enters with my cousins.

"I thought all the shareholders were here." JK mumbles.



"So, you gave my daughter your shares."

"We gave her enough to make sure that she could throw you out on your ass."

"That still isn't enough."

"You see these fine gentlemen here before you got fed up with your and Cho's lies and schemes. The two of you have continued to waste away all the money for years. Now Y/n is finally able to bail out this company. A company that my sister did so much for that you destroyed so easily. I just hope Y/n will be able to save some of it."

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