Chapter 5

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Yoongi's POV:

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Yoongi's POV:

Y/n doesn't come back out of her room after running away from me. I can't tell if she is actually scared of me or if she is just that good at acting. She could be really scared but not of me but of me finding out about her past. Hobi and Jin need to come up with something.

After nursing my whiskey, I decide I should head to bed. I waited up to see fi Y/n would come back down. She's smart to stay up there. I would have tried to pick her brain, trying to get her to slip up and give me any detail about herself.

I pull out my phone. He answers on the fifth ring.

"What's up boss?" Jimin answers out of breath.

"I need you to come see me first thing in the office tomorrow."


"Make sure you actually sleep tonight Jimin."

"I was sleeping."

"Right. I didn't know sleeping made someone out of breath. I need you for something important tomorrow."

"Alright, I'll ask her to leave."

"You don't have to miss out on your fun. I just need you to be able to focus tomorrow."

"Nah, she really isn't that fun. This sounds like it's a rather important job. See you in the morning boss."

After hanging up with Jimin, I debate calling JK to tell him not to come over but decide not to. We can go to the office together that way Y/n has a car. Then Jimin can follow her around, hopefully get some clues.

I walk up the stairs and hear music coming from Y/n's room. That's odd she never plays music this late at night. She must have fallen asleep with it on. I walk to her door and knock. I wait for her to answer but I don't hear anything other than the music playing. I open the door and see laying in her bed fast asleep with a book laying open on the pillow next to hers. I walk over to her record player and turn it off.

Then I walk back to the bed. She's laying on her side, glancing at her face I see the cut just above her eyebrow. My hand moves to touch it, but I catch myself. Instead, my hand grabs her book to put it on the bedside table. As I grab her book, my gaze falls on her hand. My jaw clenches at the sight of it in a brace. She maybe my wife on paper but that doesn't mean I want to see her hurt. I force the growl that starts to bubble up my throat back down. I don't want to wake her and think I'm a creep.

Not wanting to overstay my welcome and have her wake and see me in her room I leave. I pull my phone out of my pocket.

"What's up boss?"

"Did you find anything out about those men that attacked JK and Y/n?"

"I was able to get info on two of them. The third however I was not able to get a good view of his face on the camera."

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