Brozone: 20 years later

Start from the beginning

Spruce: second oldest brother, Bruce is all about chillin', grillin' and takin' it easy

Clay: The middle brother in the boyband, Clay was the prankster growing up. Now he's taken more seriously.

Floyd: The 'emo' of the group, always emotional and brooding but still plays favorite brother to branch,

Each one adapted a new look: He is shirtless and has black ripped shorts and a large belt-buckle. His earring is dark in color. Floyd's design is a reference to the emo culture of the 2000s.

Clay As an adult, he has messy lime green hair, and a green one-suit with a diamond. He has a normal overalls.

As an outfit, Spruce wears a typical 80s and 90s "surfer dude" outfit or 'surfing Kahauna' style appearance, with beach shorts, a necklace and loose shirt with styled back hair. and has a plump face and body, having lost his physical fitness of his youth.

John Dory is the oldest member of BroZone, he has blue skin and green hair, blue eyes. He wears a brown leather jacket with a white and dark-brown spotted fur collar, green pants that go down to his knees and signature green skiing goggles with a pink lenses

"Oh my gosh, ITS BROZONE" poppy screams and her friends squeal in joy.

"Hi ya"

"How you doing"

"Good to see ya"

John and the others greet them, giving autographs and spruce blows a kiss causing biggie to faint and Floyd dies his pose to woo the girls.

"Is so good to see you guys, you're coming to the party right?" Poppy asked.

"Of course" we wouldn't miss it for the world, right guys?" John asked and the others muttered and nodded in agreement.

"Oh yeah" spruce says

"Definitely" Floyd says.

"You bet ya" Clay says

"That's great I just wanna be sure because I Did promise everyone that brozone will be there" poppy says.

"Don't worry poppy, we'll be there, I promise" John says.

"Great, you know who is gonna be there?" She had a glimmering smile on her face.

"Huh?" John was confused.

"You know who? Is a certain troll gonna be there, you know one who's been in the band, everyone loves him, one with a voice of a angel, is he gonna be there"

She then tugs her dress revealing an old T-shirt of brozone but it had bitty b AKA baby branch on it.

It was obvious she was talking about branch, but John exchanged looks with his brothers that was nervous.

"Oh, well...we, don't know if branch is thinking about performing tonight"

Then poppy's face dropped, "what? You mean he's not coming to the party tonight?"

"Sorry poppy" Clay apologize, he and the rest looked sad.

"But he has to come, I told everyone he would be there"

"We know poppy" Clay says.

"No one hasn't seen him in years, did you tell him that everyone is wondering about him"

"We did poppy, we tried to talk to him, we just don't think he's coming"

"But it's going to be the biggest..."

"The loudest..."

"The craziest party ever!"

"Big? Loud? And Crazy? Huh? You went for all three" Clay asked.

"Well when you see him give him this" poppy handed John an invitation.

"Celebrate freedom from the Bergens"

John saw how poppy wanted branch to come out of his comfort zone so he makes a promise and smiles.

"Ok poppy, we'll try talking to him again" John says.

"Yes, thinks guys, we'll see you at the party tonight" poppy ran.

"Speaking of which" John says.

The boys heard towards to their secret hideout, at the entrance, spruce turns on the water for the water slide and they all jumped in, taking a quick shower through the water slide.

"Woo hoo" they landed, dry up and in the kitchen.

"What a great idea branch had" John says.

Then the four get ready for what looks like a birthday party.

"You got the cake" John asked spruce.

"Oh I got the cake" he holds up on a plate and when Clay sets the table he placed it then everyone gets ready as they approach his door.

"Ok get ready guys while I....wale up the birthday boy" John snickered then he and Floyd quiet open the door to reveal a messy bedroom and on a bed, a grown up baby branch who goes by branch now was sleeping in.

"Baby branch, Time to wake up" John opens the door letting in a little light but branch turns and he covers himself with his blanket.

"Come on baby branch, it's time to get up" John pulls the covers off.

"Ugh, go away, I'm sleepy" but branch refused to get up and covers his face with a pillow.

John had an annoying look on his face then he gets an idea.

He turns on the water in branch's room and he comes out in a water slide screaming.


He lands in the chair in the kitchen with the rest of his brothers, they all laughed as branch was annoyed.

"I hate you guys" branch says.

"You do not, you love us" John squeezed his shoulders and branch smiles knowing he was right.

In this universe, without his brothers, branch would never grow up to be the grumpiest troll in the village, and a family to love and show him happiness.

"Happy anniversary branch" John says.

"Ok but it's not my birthday you know that John" but John exchanged looks to the others.

"Do you know what on this very day branch"

"Yeah it was the day you guys almost made a mistake"

"We almost made a mistake because of you, if it weren't for you we didn't know what we would've or what would've happened to you so today marks the anniversary where we stayed together as a family"

They take a moment a silence then they split up the cake that their grandmother once made but had to do it themselves with her gone.

"John wait" branch says.


"We got to do the thing first remember"

"Oh right right right right right, everyone join hands"

Ever since baby branch was five and they escaped the bergans, they started this ritual they hold hands and repeat this saying together.

"United we stand, brozone together, we stand together through sunny days or coldest rains, not bergans can take us apart, although grandma rosiepuff is gone she still with up in our hearts, united we stand together, brozone together (they put their hands out and fist pump together) brothers forever"

TROLLS: what if branch's brothers never leftWhere stories live. Discover now