Chapter 69: An Alliance gone Wrong

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The tension in the hideout had reached a boiling point as we grappled with the implications of Sangue's haunting visions. Bentley, Penelope, and Sangue huddled together, brainstorming a solution that could put an end to Sangue's torment. It was then that the stark realization struck us—we needed to face the embodiment of her past, Clockwerk.

Reluctantly, we acknowledged that the only way to confront this looming threat was to join forces with an unexpected ally—Le Paradox. The room brimmed with palpable discomfort as we convened to discuss our plan. Words were exchanged, tempers flared, and the air crackled with animosity.

Bentley, ever the voice of reason, attempted to mediate, but even his diplomatic efforts couldn't quell the growing storm. Insults flew between Sly and Le Paradox, a clash of personalities and ideologies that seemed irreconcilable.

That's when Sangue, her patience worn thin, erupted in a distorted voice that echoed with a strange power. "ENOUGH! I'VE HAD ENOUGH! ALL THIS TIME I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONE TO SOLVE ALL YOUR PROBLEMS, but I was wrong, there's no quick fix. I can't solve this problem for you, only you can."

A heavy silence settled over the room as Sangue, with a sniff, added, "When you two are done fighting and willing to work together to rewrite the past, let me know..."

Her words lingered, a potent reminder of the internal struggles each of us faced. With a determined stomp, Sangue retreated to her room, leaving behind a collective sense of reflection and remorse.

Le Paradox and I exchanged stunned glances, our bickering abruptly halted by the unexpected scolding from someone we least expected. It was a moment of revelation, a stark realization that our internal conflicts were hindering the collective progress.

Le Paradox, breaking the silence, turned to me with a quizzical expression. "Cooper, why didn't you tell me Sangue had powers...?"

I couldn't hide the unease that gripped me, and I found myself shaking involuntarily. "Some things," I replied cryptically, "are better left unsaid. Now, let's focus on what matters—the task at hand." The weight of Sangue's words lingered, prompting an unspoken agreement that, for the sake of all our futures, we needed to set aside our differences and confront the challenges that awaited us.

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