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Once, in the age long past...
There was a land of both creation and destruction, Remnant.

One of these methods of destruction were large beasts created by the god of destruction. But these beasts would be controlled by a queen with a black soul to plunge the world into chaos to spite the gods that wronged her. Luckily her former consort would vow to stop her.

Centuries would pass and he would form a school to train the youth to fight these unholy beasts. This school was called Beacon. Buried deep in the recesses of the school, lay a dungeon. The purpose of this place had been lost to time.

The cages of the dungeon had bones of the imprisoned forever stuck inside to never see the light of day. The smell of death filled the room only made worse by the humidity inside. In one of these cages, near the end of this dungeon, was a dead knight.

The knight wore white armor with golden symbols engraved on the shoulders.

The knight wore a large white cape with red streaks of blood in it

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The knight wore a large white cape with red streaks of blood in it. The armor itself was stained with blood and his helmet has streaks of blood coming from the faceplate like it was crying.

???: You have been chosen dear undead. Please arise.

The knight made a fist with his hands as he felt his soul ignite.

Coming soon: The Black Soul Of Remnant.

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