blackpink-it's time to let me go-part two

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You was already in the hospital, You went to the doctor, he needed to talk to you. To be honest, you were quite scared, maybe he will tell you that you will die tomorrow or even today.

But you still couldn't come to terms with the fact that you broke up with Jisoo. She constantly calls and writes to you, let you call her that she needs to talk. But you can't talk to her. It's hard.

You came to the office where the doctor was.

Doc:"Sit down y/n"

You sit down

Doc:"I know I told you that you have cancer. But... there was such a small mistake, one of the doctors inadvertently switched your tests with others, and you probably already know the rest. I am very sorry, I know it was a shock for you..."

You can't believe it, you're going to live?!

y/n:"Thank you Doctor!"you said happily and going out of his office.

You ran home to tell your mother and family that you was fine. You still can't believe that,you're going to live!

But someone called you...Jisoo.

You almost forgot. You should talk to her. You pick up the call.

Jisoo:"Thank god! y/n where are you?! I need to talk. I don't want to break up,i will be with you until my last breath"

y/n:"I'm so sorry Jisoo-"

Jisoo:"Don't apologize,let's talk. WHERE ARE YOU?!"she yelled. You know she is worried and that's why she is yelling.

y/n:"I'm at the park,where we had our first date"

Jisoo:"Okay i will be there"

After a few minutes she came. She have worried face.

Jisoo:"y/n!"you stand up of the chair and come to her. She takes your hand.

Jisoo:"I don't want to break up,i will be there for you. I will be by your side. Just don't break up"she almost cried. It breaks your heart.

y/n:"I'm sorry Jisoo,but I went to the doctor and he told me that there was a small mistake and that I don't have cancer after all"

She couldn't believe that she was going to grown old with you. And that she will see you every morning. She only hugged you.

Jisoo:"So we won't break up?"you nodded.

She was the happier person in the world. She promised you that she will never leave your side.

After 5 years,you were happy. You made new friends in Vietnam,your parents moved to the Vietnam. And you seeing your parents every day,but you can remember when you leave Rosé. It breaks your heart,but still it was the best you can do. After 5 years,you contact Lisa,because you meet her in Vietnam. You have little talk with her,and she was happy that she see's you after 5 years. She don't tell about Rosé,because she knows that it would break your heart again. You loved her and still you love her. You had relationships but it was not the same as Rosé. She was for you everything.

You came home after hard work you had. Tomorrow you have to go to Korea for a job because you are the smartest in the whole company, so the boss wanted to take you with him. You couldn't say no, you were looking forward to seeing Korea again after a long time.

You've already been to Korea, now you're in a hotel and you're just thinking about what you're going to do. Because the boss gave you one day to enjoy Korea. You got out of bed and went out for a walk. You didn't expect anything guilty, you only expected what is normal here. So dances in the street,singing and many more. You went around YG entertainment and remembered everything. You remembered how you first came here and how you first met Rosé here. You wanted to look inside, but the bodyguards wouldn't let you. After a while, the fans came and started screaming. Something must be happening. Then you see her again. You immediately looked at Rosé and she immediately looked at you. Rosé froze, but then she recovered and immediately ran after you. You wanted to leave, you didn't want to bother her. But she hugged you from behind.

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