I wish you could understand.

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Carl wakes up in Ron's bed. He rubs his eyes as Ron enters the room.
''You're awake? Sorry, i didn't wan't to wake you up since uhm... You know... You looked tired.''
''Yeah, thank you. Good morning.''
''Good morning.'' Ron sits on the edge of the bed and waits for Carl to wake up.
''When did you wake up?'' Carl asks.
''Well, it's 10 am. You've been sleeping for more than 8 hours.''
''Fuck, really?'' Carl closes his mouth.
''Sorry, i shouldn't have said that.'' Carl says making Ron laugh.
''It's okay. I don't really care if you curse or not.''
''... If you say so.''
''Oh and before i forget. Your dad is here.''
''He is?''
''Yeah. He was waiting for you to wake up. He has Bern waiting for... 40 minutes?'' Ron says unsurely.
''Fuck, that's a long time.''
''Yeah, it kinda is.'' Ron chuckles.
''I should go see him.'' Carl stands up too quickyl and him still being sleepy almost causes him to fall. Ron quickly catches Carl.
''You good?'' Ron looks and sonunda worried.
''Yeah, yeah i am.'' He tries to control his balance.
''Easy there. Are you sure you're good?'' He asks again and helps Carl stands up.
''Yeah, i am.''
Ron and Carl go downstairs. Carl sees Jessie and his dad speaking on the couch.
''Dad?'' Carl says making Rick turn his head to face his son.
''Carl?'' he says as he walks up to his son.
''Are you okay? Why did you sleep this long?''
''I'm okay. I think i was just tired.''
''We should go home now.'' Rick says to Carl.
Carl looks at Ron and then his dad.
Rick thanks Jessie and they leave the house.
Rick and Carl don't talk the entire way back to their house. Rick opens the door and signals Carl to get inside with his hand. Carl enters the house and looks at his dad who clearly has a worried look on his face.
''Did you guys fight?''
''What? No we didn't. What would make you think this way?''
''It's not normal for you to sleep this much if you guys only played games and talked.''
''No, no. I just...'' Carl doesn't want to tell his dad that he broke down crying on Ron's arms. The last time he cried was when he thought his dad died. And the funny part is that he didn't talk about it with his dad afterwards. It's not unsual for Carl to hide his emotions and Rick knows that.
''Carl. Don't lie to me.''
''I'm really okay dad.'' Rick moves closet to Carl and hugs him.
''Should i trust thoose words?'' Rick asks with a serious tone.
''Okay...'' Rick pulls away from Carl.
''Where is Judith? Is she home?''
''No, she's with Michonne. I think they are at Carol's house.''
''Oh, okay then.''
''Are you hungry?''
''A bit.'' Rick smiles at Carl.
''Sit down. Ill bring you some food.'' Carl sits down on the couch. He sees the puzzle him and Michonne started but didn't even get close to finishing it. Thinking about that makes Carl smile without him even realising it. But his smile quickly fades down when his mind gets filled with negative thoughts. What if he loses all the people he cares about? It might happen anytime. They are never fully safe. Everything can go downhill for them in just a hour, maybe a minute or maybe just n-
Rick enters the room with a tray on his hands.
''Here you go.''
''Thanks.'' Carl starts eating as his father watches him.
''Dad... Do you trust theese people?'' Carl asks quietly and seriously.
His father studys him for some time.
''Do you not?''
''I mean... It's not like they trust us too... If they did they wouldn't take all of our guns. What if something happens to us and we can't fight back?'' Rick stays quiet for some time.
''I know why you're feeling that way. I can never Blame you for thinking this way. After all the things you went through... But... I won't let anyone touch you or your sister. I'm always here for you. You don't have to sorry.''
''Thank you dad...'' Carl puts his good away.
''Are you not going to finish your good?''
''I'm not hungry anymore. Thank you though.'' Carl leaves the room to go to his room leaving Rick suprised. Rick looks at the food that Carl didn't even bite twice and sighs. Carl is in his room reading a comic book till someone knocks on his door.
''Come on in!'' Carl says not looking up from the book.
''Hey Carl.'' says Michonne.
''Hey.'' Carl look at Michonne and then goes back to reading his book. Michonne site on the döner of Carl's bed and snatches the comic book from Carl.
''Wow. You're already at the 3rd book?'' Michonne says laughing.
''Yeah, i like the story telling.''
''I see...'' Michonne closes the door and looks at Carl for some time.
''What?'' Carl says laughing.
''Are you feeling okay?'' Carl stops laughing.
''Your dad... He told me that you didn't finish your food and you told him-''
''So my dad sended you here? Seriously? I already told him im fine!''
''Carl... He cares about you. So do i. You can't push away help all the time. Come on... You've been acting weird ever since we came here. Do you not feel safe? Is that it?''
''Just leave! How can i possibly push help away when in okay?'' Carl snatches the comic book back.
''I just wan't to read! Leave please.'' Carl says yelling. Michonne is speechless.
''Leave!'' Michonne decides to leave Carl alone.
leaves the room.
''Fuck.'' Carl says to himself. He feels terrible for yelling at someone he cares top much about. He just doesn't like talking about his feelings and that's all. Why can't noone understand that?
Carl decides to go to sleep. He turns the lights down and tries to sleep.

A fanfic of Rarl (PLS DO NOT READ 😭) (IF YOU READ THIS I HATE YOU)Where stories live. Discover now