NIGHTCAP 3- Sex Me Good

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Fantasizing had gotten me into so much trouble. I found myself stuck between a rock and a hard place--Chris being my rock, while Stefani was the hard place I didn't want to escape. Three weeks had come and gone without me even realizing it, and I was still hanging tough with Stefani. I had moved into her condo. She was practically my girlfriend. There was no more Chris.

In so many ways, I missed the touch of the male counterpart. The roughness of him. The smell and feel of him. I began to wonder how long this 'thing" between Stefani, and I would last before I decided to retract my steps to what I knew was created specifically for a woman.


What are you over there thinking about" she asked, snapping me back to reality.

we were dining at Baldacci's Trattoria. Stefani was stuffing her face with crab cakes, basil rolls, and garlic-roasted calamari. My plate had gone untouched since the dish had arrived. I was twirling the spaghetti with ray fork into the spicy cardamom sauce.

Ignoring her question, I asked one of my own. "Is this your first time.... with a woman?"

Stefani stopped chewing and cocked her head to the side. She stared at me like a dog does when he's trying to understand the commands its owner has given him to doubt, she was doing her best to read me.

"No," she answered, her stare unwavering.

"How many?"

She held up her hand, all fingers spread. "Five."

"Five," I repeated, then, "What got you to... " I was searching for less offensive words,

"...become a... lesbian?" I held my breath, hoping that my choice of words didn't offend her.

To my surprise, she smiled. "I'm not a lesbian, Amanda." "No?" Now I was the one caught off guard.

She shook her head. "Not at all... I'm bi-sexual."

"Then where's your boyfriend?" She laughed.

"Don't have one. However,...I do have a. 'boy-toy'."

I leaned in closer to her. "We've been sharing the same bed for some weeks, and I haven't seen anyone come around."

Again, she chuckled, but I found nothing amusing.

"Who's to say I haven't hooked up with him during a lunch break?" She grinned, throwing me a sly sink.

A link of jealousy brushed upon my nerves, but I couldn't complain; not when t had left Chris to do some cheating of my own.

Stefani continued. "Her name was Elise. You remind me so much of her, and

that's one of the reasons why I couldn't resist you,"

At first, I'm lost, but then comprehend that she's answering my question as to why she's converted her sexual orientation.

My breasts begin to swell at her words.

"Why did you separate?" I asked.

Her eyes dropped to her plate as if I'd just discovered and unveiled old, hidden scars.

"She went back to her... husband," she answered disappointingly.

For a moment, we said nothing. It seemed as though she had suddenly lost her appetite. A feeling of remorse stabbed into me for being so ...curious.

Finally, she said, "That's what you were thinking about; going back to Chris?" her eyes were pleading for honesty. In the same sense, she was begging me to not put an end to what we had going on.

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