[First sighting]

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Subspace and Hyperlaser were in the lab, living their daily life. Subspace was ofcourse trying to find new inventions, and Hyperlaser was just.. doing everything else away from Subspace.

Subspace sat at a desk in one of the rooms of the lab, looking through some papers. He held his hand on the side of his head while reading the information on the multiple sheets, thesse were informations of his old inventions that he has made.

He then sighed and decided it wouldnt hurt to give a small break from doing experiments all the time, he opened a shelf of his desk and put the papers into it. Subspace spun on his office chair to a other direction, looking at a Biograft he forgot to fix before.
"It seems like i was so busy i forgot about fixing it."
Subspace sighed then got off his office chair, he walked over to one of the shelves and got some tools off of it. He then looked back at the Biograft before walking towards the creation and grabbing its arm that fell off meanwhile. He kneeled infront of the Biograft laying on the floor and put the arm and tools on the ground beside before starting to fix it.

Meantime, Hyperlaser was sitting at a table in the basement of the lab, it seemed like a basement but Hyperlaser didnt see it as one, as it was almost the same to the 2 other floors, he glared at the table with his arms laying crossed on the table, tilting his head slighly. He was bored, life in Blackrock was trutly boring and tiring, Subspace only saw Hyperlaser as an assitant. Hyperlaser wanted to leave Blackrock, but he didnt want to at the same time.. It was like a feeling that staying at Blackrock was the right choice. He then looked acroos the room and spotted something.. red in one of the corners. Hyperlaser tilted his head a bit more before getting off of the chair and walking towards the red thing to inspect it.

Hyperlaser crouched infront of the red substance? He was confused and puzzled, he has never seen something like that. Maybe it was one of Subspaces creations? But thats impossible, Subspace doesnt know how to make thesse things. Hyperlaser thought it was some type of mold he didnt know, mostly because the basement was dark and mostly unclean. He decided to ignore it for now, Hyperlaser got up annoyed and walked out of the basement.

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